Chapter Three

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I groaned in frustration, I have twenty minutes until Evan gets here and I'm still standing in my towel looking in my closet. I heard a knock on the door and turned around to see the asshole standing there. "Need a little help sweet heart", the smirk on his face pissed me off. He ignored my 'no' and walked over to my closet anyways. "Unless you want to go on your date in your towel, you're going to need my help", even though I couldn't see his face I could practically feel his smirk.

"How do you know I'm going on a date?" I know for sure that I didn't tell him. I'd never tell him anything.

"I heard part of your conversation when I was walking downstairs last night, you don't exactly talk quietly. Who is this lucky guy anyway." He expects me to tell him? He's crazy.

"I'm not going to tell you", he had no response to that. After a moment of silence he turned around with my one shoulder red dress that came to my mid thigh, a pair of five inch black stilettos, a simple necklace with a Sapphire gem for my birthstone, a pair of big hoop earring, a little hoop for my nose ring and a small black clutch.

"Here ya go, you can thank me later" he said setting everything down on my bed. "I guess I'll wait until he comes to see, but you better hurry you have fifteen minutes to get dressed and do your makeup before he comes", he shot me a wink and walked out my door. He was right, theres no way I can stop him from finding out who I'm going out with. I don't see why I should keep it from him though, its not like I care about what he thinks. I walked over to my vanity and sat on the little chair infront of the mirror. I pulled out my draws until I found my bright red lips stick, eyeliner, smokey eye shadow pen, and mascara. After I was done I bounced my girls one more time, put my phone in my clutch and headed down the stairs. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, the nervousness I always feel before a first date settled in. I'm glad my mom was at work so she couldn't tease me and make it worse like she usually did. I heard the door bell ring and looked at the clock, seven right on the dot. I opened the door and he greated me with dozen of White Rosebuds.

"Thank you, let me put them in a vase", I said smiling and walking to the kitchen. When I got in the kitchen I saw the asshole sitting there with a vase thats full of water in front of him. He smirked at me, grabbed the flowers out of my hand and put them in the vase. Then he bolted down the hallway towards the front door. "Get back here asshole!", I screamed and tackled him to the floor. I realized that it was to late we were already by the front door where Evan was standing. I blushed furiously, I probably looked like a mad woman. I rolled off of the asshole and stood up, straightening my dress. Nick stood up shot me a glare then looked at the door. I saw a flash of shock and maybe a hint of jealousy on his face? It was gone so quickly I couldn't tell if it was real or not.

"Lei my man hows it going", Evan said as him and Nick did one of those awkward guy hugs, where they pat each others shoulders. Nick said something but I didn't quite catch what it was. Before they could say anything more I grabbed Evans arm gave him a little push towards the door.

"Lets get going", the boys said there goodbyes and then we were walking towards his car. It was a blue Shelby GTS Mustang with two white racing stripes. I don't know much about cars, but I know its fast and expensive. The car ride was quiet besides the music playing in the background. It wasn't really an awkward silence, it was comfortable. We pulled up to some club called Rock Away Jake. I laughed at the name and he looked at me and smiled. He quickly ran out of the car and open my door for me. "After you my'lady". I smiled and took his extended hand. He led me to the front door and held it open for me. The only word I could use to describe this place was original. It looked just like the clubs you would see in movies. There was a shiny bar to the left and shiny tables at the far end. To the left there was a big stage where a band I never heard of was playing and a disco ball above the middle of the dance floor. We walked over to the bar, I ordered a Rasberry Margarita and he ordered a Rum n' Cream. When we got our drinks we walked over to a table in the back.

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