Chapter Two

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 I woke up to 'Sex Style' by Kool Kieth blaring from somewhere on the third floor. Gah, who the hell is playing that shit so early in the morning. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. Holy shit it was already two in the afternoon. I stood up from my bed and an intense pain shot through my head. Damnm it, I need some Ibuprofen. I opened my door to walk to the bathroom and the music got ten times louder if that was even possible. I'm going to find the source of that terrible noise. I walked down the hall putting my ear up to every door ignoring the throbbing in my head. When I reached the end of the hallway I found the source of the noise. I flung the door open to find a gorgeous brown haired boy sitting on his bed. Wait, no. I can't say he's gorgeous this must be my new step brother.

 "Hey asshole, mind turning down the music", I basically shouted so he could here me. He looked up startled to see me, then he smirked.

 "Nice to meet you too", he said standing up and walking over to the subwoofer that was in the corner of his room. His room was like any typical teenage boy room. Posters of half naked girls and junk cluttered all around on the floors and dressers. The pain in my head was getting to be to much to handle. I put my hands up to my temple and started massaging it in attempt to ease the pain. "Hangover babe?", he said shooting me a wink. Ewh, this boy already repulses me. I shook my head in disgust and then winced at the pain that followed. I turned around and started to go venture and find the bathroom. I started opening every door I came across. There was a game room with every arcade game you could imagine. There was a room just for video games. There was a computer room, also a library with more books than I've ever seen in my entire life. Finally halfway down the hallway I found the bathroom. It was massive, I've never seen such a big bathroom. There was a crystal chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling. There was a big Jacuzzi/bath in the middle of the room with marble steps leading into it. There was vanity mirrors and two sinks on each side of the bathroom with marble counter tops. There were three patio doors that lead to a balcony that over looked the back yard. I have no clue why you would need a deck in a bathroom but whatever. I opened the cabinets until I found a towel and a wash cloth. I turned the water on until it was as hot at my skin could stand it. As it was filling I put some bubbles in the tub and then started opening cabinets again looking for Ibuprofen. I finally found it and walked over to the mini fridge to get a drink. A mini fridge in the bathroom, this place is amazing. I decided on some water, there was a bottle of wine in there but I'm hungover the way it is, maybe another time. After about ten boring minutes of staring at the tub it was finally filled up. I turned on the jets, eased off my clothes, and got into the tub. I sighed in relief, this is exactly what I needed after the stress of moving and last night. That kiss has been all I could think about. I will do everything possible to find out who that man was. I could have sworn his hair was brown but that's all I remember and even that is shaky. I finished washing off my body then scrubbed the conditioner out of my hair. I need to get out before I start to prune. Plus all this thinking isn't helping my migraine. I let the water out of the tub and wrapped the towel around myself. I walked over to the cabinet below the vanity mirror and grabbed a cleansing towlet to clean the rest of the makeup off my face. I opened the door to walk out the hallway and was glad when I was met with silence. As I was opening the door to my bedroom I had this feeling that someone was looking at me. I turned around and saw the evil step brother standing outside his door looking at me. When he saw that I had noticed him he smirked and slipped back into his room. Asshole. Gawd, I can't stand him. I can only imagine what his father is like. I wasn't really sure what to wear today because I didn't know if we were going anywhere. I picked up my Iphone and shot my mom a text asking her if we were going anywhere today. She answered back quickly and said that we weren't. I went to my closet and got out an over sized Grateful Dead T-shirt. I threw my hair up in a bun and I was done. If my opinion counts, I think I managed to make this look sexy. I like to think I have natural beauty. As for pants, I didn't wear any in my old home I'm not wearing any here. The Ibuprofen finally kicked in and I sighed in relief. My phone went off and I glanced down to see a text from someone named Evan. I looked at the picture next to the name, it was a picture of a guy with light shaggy blonde hair and a dazzling smile. Oh, I got it now! This must be Beach Hottie boy from last night. Well at least now I know his name so I can stop calling him beach hottie. I looked at what he sent. 'Hey, Rose baby way to take off on me last night, I hope you made it home okay. Lets do something tomorrow I'll pick you up at 7 p.m.' Wait. He if he didn't bring me home who did? I remember someone walking me home last night. I assumed it was him, but if it wasn't that means that the guy who kissed me also wasn't him. So I was right when I thought I had saw brown hair. Hmm... now I'm going to have to find out who that guy was who kissed me but as for now 'Sorry about that, had to make curfew' I lied 'but yes I made it home fine. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!' at least the last part wasn't a lie. I did have fun with him last night from what I can remember. He seems like a great guy. Maybe I shouldn't even look for the guy who kissed me, I mean there are a lot of people with brown hair, what am I suppose to do? Kiss every guy with brown hair? That will give me a bad reputation. All this thinking is bringing back my headache I need to stop. I grabbed my Iphone and plugged it into my dock. I put it on shuffle and smiled as Colt 45 by Afroman came on. I started dancing around and singing obnoxiously. This song is my jam, I can never control myself when this song comes on. As the song came to an end I heard a chuckle coming from my door. I looked over to see the Jerk standing there.

 "Ugh, get out of here asshole", I yelled as I ran over to him and pushed him out the door. As I closed the door I heard his muffled voice say 'The names Nick and breakfast is done.' I didn't bother to answer him, I can't believe he was watching me. That boy has some nerve, I walked over to my dock and turned it off. I'm going to have to lay down some rules for him about a thing called privacy. Sighing I opened my door and started wandering down the hall until I found the staircase that leads downstairs. Its going to take me forever to be able to find my way around this house. After walking down the two flights of stairs I looked around. Finding the kitchen would be hard if I didn't have the smell of bacon to follow. Bacon is my weakness, I eat it with everything that I can. When I made it to the kitchen, I had to stop and admire the quality of everything. It was all high class appliances and cabinets and tables. I should have expected that though, I mean the kitchen had to match the rest of the house. Someone clearing there throat brought me back from my gawking.

 "Sweetie", My moms voice began, "go upstairs and get some pants on, now." I heard the authority in her voice but being my stubborn self I chose to ignore it.

 "No. I didn't wear pants in our house I'm not wearing them here." That's when I noticed her new husband, Paul standing behind her. Great he probably thinks I'm some spoiled stuck up brat. I guess in a way I am spoiled but I'm not stuck up. Its not like I care though.

 "It's fine Molly", he says to my mother "this is her new home, she doesn't have to wear pants if she doesn't want to." I hate how nice he is. It makes it harder for me to be mad at him. I sit down at the end of the table farthest away from them and a man, who I assume is the butler, sets a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me, along with a cup of hot tea. I take a sip of the tea and let out a small smile as I recognize the taste of the Earl Grey Tea I always drink. Mom must have let the butler know what I eat and drink. I take the first bite of my food and have to stop myself from gasping. This is the best food I have ever eaten. I try to eat it slow but that's not possible, its way to good. I hear three different chuckles. Wait three? I look up to see that the asshole has joined us. I shot a glare at him, and I saw my mother shoot me that cut it out look. I quickly finish the last bite of my food, grab my tea and head up the stairs without a word. As I reach the top of the third flight of stairs that brings me to my floor, well the floor I share with the asshole, I decide to explore the video game room. I smile as I walk in and see the big flat screen TV with the bean bag chair in front of it. I turn on the Xbox and put in Call of Duty. I'm really bad at this game but I still enjoy playing it. I put on the headset and grab the controller. Not even five minutes into the game and I'm already mad at it. So I switch to a game I love and that I'm good at, Grand Theft Auto. This is one of my favorite games, I always get lost in the game when I play. I start off by doing a few missions that I beat easily, then I decide to go to the hospital. There I start shooting everyone, throwing bombs and using the flame thrower. After every ones dead I go outside and start killing the cops. Once I'm up to five stars I steal a nearby car and take off. I have the police cars coming at me from every direction and the helicopters shooting at me. I make it pretty far before I die.

 "Holy shit, you're good", I turn around and, surprise, I find the asshole standing there with a look of amazement on his face.

 I walk over to him, "Alright, listen here", My finger jabs his chest "Threes a little thing called privacy and I'm going to need you to respect my privacy. That means no standing by watching me without me knowing you are there." With that said I start heading towards my room. I pick my phone off the dock to call my bestfriend Brittany but I get distracted by a text from Evan. 'Wear something sexy(;' Usually this would piss me off but he's gorgeous and he has to be popular in the school, he could be my ticket to popularity. I put my headphones in and lay down on my bed. Who knows maybe he will turn out different from the rest. Or maybe I'll find that mysterious boy who kissed me. The more I think about how I could possibly find this mysterious boy the more I start to lose hope. But I'm also gaining hope at the same time. After all I do like a challenge.

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