Chapter Four

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Sorry its so short, this is more like a filler chapter.

What the frick? Someone's rummaging through my closet. What if its a rapist? Maybe I should pretend to stay asleep and then they'll leave me alone. I pulled my blanket down the tiniest, so I could peak out over the top. My eyes were instantly drawn to a fabulous ass surrounded by dark denim jeans. Dayummmnn, talk about a big bubble butt. The mysterious person cleared there throat bringing me back to reality. My head snapped up to the face of... of the asshole. Oh my gawd, I can't believe I thought his ass was good looking.

"What are you doing in my room!" This boy really needs to leave my personal space alone. I walked over to him and grabbed him by his upper arm. I tried not to gawk at how big his biceps felt. "Lets go, out of my room" I started dragging him towards the door. Surprisingly he willing walked with me.

"Okay, but you have 10 minutes to do your hair, I'll be back after those 10 minutes." he walked out of my room and headed in the direction of his room. Only ten minutes to do my hair!? What is he up to? My hair is naturally wavy, thankgod I got a shower last night. I grabbed my brush to brush through my hair and put a hair tie on my wrist in case I need it. Nick walked back into my room. "You ready?"

"Where are we going?" He surely didn't expect me to just come to an unknown place with him. I barely knew the kid, he could try to murder me or something.

"Its a secret", he said giving me that stupid smirk of his. I'd like to knock that smirk right off his face. "Come on" he nodded his head towards the door.

"I can't go looking like this" I said gesturing down at my pajamas. Thank god I slept with a tanktop and shorts instead of my usual over sized t-shirt "Besides how do I know you're not going to rape me?" His eyes went from scanning my body to looking my in the eye. He smirked at hearing the 'rape' comment.

"Oh hunny it wouldn't be rape if you liked it", he started walking towards me, so I backed up until I reached the wall. I looked around trying to find something I could use to defend myself with. I was just about to grab a brush that was sitting nearby when I felt myself being lifted up. The asshole put my over his shoulder. I started pounding on his back.

"Let me down asshole!" I continued pounding on his back until we were at the top of the second flight of stairs. I just settled for looking at his ass, there was no way I was gonna get down anyways. I know hes my stepbrother and I can't touch but that doesn't mean I can't look.

"Enjoying the view sweat heart? I know I am", He tapped my ass and I scoffed slapping the top of his head. Which was actually a lot harder to do from down where I was then it looked. We walked out the door and towards his car. It was a four door jeep, I don't know much about jeeps. I just like them because they are good for off roading. He put my down in the front seat and buckled me in like a little kid before closing my door and running over to the driver side.

"You know I am a big girl I can do things myself", I glared at him.

"Are you sure about that?", he laughed at me as I struggled to turn the radio on. I let out an exasperated sigh and gave up. He smirked at me and turned the radio on, some heavy metal stuff was playing. I instantly changed it over to channel 93.7 and smiled when the country music started playing. "There is no way that shit is going to be played in my car", he reached over to change the station but I slapped his hand away before he could reach the dial.

"You're making me go to some unknown place when I could be sleeping, the least you could do is let me listen to some good music", I insisted while glaring at him. He mumbled fine and continued driving. I started signing to 'Better Dig Two, by The Band Perry'. Nick turned the music up to mask my obnoxious singing. So I started singing louder.

"Dammit Rosie", he exclaimed "you're one annoying chick." I couldn't stop the smile that started creeping across my face. No one has called me Rosie since my boyfriend Ricco, that I had to leave behind when we moved. Almost as soon as the smile was there, it was gone. Ricoo, my friends, man I miss them. I felt the tears coming on and I instantly bit the inside of my lip and stared out the window. In all the commotion with going out with Evan I forgot about them. I feel like a terrible friend now. I haven't even gotten around to calling anyone. I snapped out of my thinking haze and saw sand and the big blue.

"The beach?" I looked at him with a questioning gaze, "You brought me to the beach?"

A silly stupid little cute smile came onto his face. "Surprise, do you like it?"

"Of course! Its the beach", who doesn't like the beach. He's being a little to nice though. "What do you want from me?"

He shot a sideways glance at me "Nothing, I figured this would be a great way to bond." Hmm, I want to believe him but this is my asshole stepbrother. Something tells me theres an alternative motive behind coming here.

"Wait, I don't have my bathing suit.'" He pointed to a back in the back and I reached for it. I opened it up and saw he grabbed my blue bikini. Well that explains why he was in my closet this morning. He pulled into a parking spot beside a silver Ford F150 truck.

"Alright, you get changed and meet me over there", he pointed to a place a little ways down the beach and then got out of the car. I watched him walk towards the spot he pointed to. I couldn't help but stare at his ass and back muscles. Wait, he's my stepbrother I've got to stop looking at him like that. After one last glance I looked around to make sure I was alone. I then quickly changed into my bathing suit and ran up to meet Nick. He didn't say anything just started walking down the beach. We walked for a while in silence unitil we stumbled across a party. People were greating Nick left and right so I guess we didn't 'stumble' across the party. He probably had it all planned out. I looked around seeing if I could spot Evan, but sadly he wasn't here. I did notice that all the other girls had on bathing suits too, good at least I wasn't the only one. I turned back to yell at Nick for not warning me a head of time but he was gone. I started feeling a little bit self conscious, I didn't know anyone. I decided to head over to the drink table so I wasn't just standing there like a loser. Halfway there I was intercepted by some guy who was obviously drunk.

"Hey, there pretty lady", it took me a minute to figure out what he was saying his slur was that bad. Before I could respond he pulled me in for a big wet sloppy kiss. He reeked of alcohol and cheap cigarettes. I tried pushing him away but he was surprisingly strong for being drunk. All of a sudden he was ripped off of me.

"Stay away from her", Nick practically growled the words at the drunk boy. It could just be my imagination but I think there was a hint of jealousy in his voice. To me he says "Come on, were leaving." He pulls me away from the party and back towards the car, never leaving go of my hand. Theres almost a faint warm tingle where his hand is touching mine but its probably because of how hot it is.

"Nickkkkkkkk", I whined "I want to cool off." He turns around and gives me a smirk that sends a chill down my body. "Uhh.. never mind, lets just go!" I tried running towards the car but he still had the grip on my hand so I didn't get very far. He picked me up before I could protest and ran towards the ocean. "Nick! Stop! Put me down!"

"Put you down? Okay", I then realized we were already in the ocean.

"Wait nickkyyypoo, I didn't say put me down I said uhh I said hold me forever", I gave him the most innocent smile I could manage.

"I don't think I can hold you any longer your getting pretty heavy", after his last word he drops me into the water.

"I'm going to kill you!", I screamed once my head came above the freezing cold water. I started running out of the water and up the beach to where he was headed for his car. I reached him just before he opened the door and jumped on his back. He let out a sound that was muffled by my hand. A sharp pain shoot through my hand, I let go and end up falling off his back. "You bit me!", he just smirked and got in the car. He started the car and I quickly ran over to the passenger side door but it was locked. He put the car in reverse and started backing up. There is no way that asshole is leaving me here. He started driving a way and I quickly ran up behind the car put my foot on the bumper and quickly pushed myself up so I was on the hood of the car.

He rolled down his window and looked up at me with that smirk on his face "hold on tight sweat heart you're in for a wild ride" and he gunned the gas. Man my stepbrother is an asshole, but hes an attractive asshole.

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