Chapter Seven

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"ROSE ELIZABETH", my mother screamese as she came charging ito my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to try and wake up. I looked at her half expecting to see a knife or fun in her hand. "Did you go to a party last night?" I didn't want to lie to her but if I told her the truth she would kill me.

"No", I looked her dead in the eyes and reisted the urge to play with the corner of my shirt, which is something I tend to do when I lie.

"Nick said you snuck out and went to the part with him." I looked behind her to see Mr. Lei and Nick quietly arguing. I resisted the urge to shoot him a glare, that would definitely give me away.

"Why would I go to a party with that thing?" before she could yell at me and tell me to be nice I added, "besides do I look like I went to a party? You just woke me up. What time is it anyways?" I looked at my clock it read 5:00 AM. Gee its really early. Hopefully she's falling for my lies.

"Hun, I think she's telling the truth or else she would have walked in the door with Nick", Mr. Lei said while sending me a smile. I silently thanked him. "And since she didn't sneak out I'm removing her punishment and I'm extending Nicks by one month." It took everything I had in me not to shoot a smirk at Nick. I told him he should have came home with me. I also warned him about walking in the front door. My mom looked at me one more time before leaving my room with Mr. Lei. As soon as I heard there footsteps going downstairs Nick ran over to me and practically tackled me onto my bed. I wasn't expecting that nor was I expecting the tingles his touch sent through my body. 

"Thanks for getting me in trouble asshole" before I had time to spit some insult back at him he continued on "the least you could have done was told them the truth. They would have went a little easier on me."

"First off", I started "Can you get off of me?" He loosend his grip a little bit but still stayed hobering over me "Second why would I tell them the truth? I managed to sneak back in without getting caught. I tried to get you to come with me so you wouldn't get caught but you said no, so you can't blame me." I pushed him off of me and grabbed him by the elbow. "Now lets go pretty boy, out of my room." I drug him to the hallway then went back into my room and closed my door. I grabbed my phone and headphones and layed on my bed putting on the country station on Pandora. I was only about one minute into the first song when my phone vibrated notifying me of a text message. It was from my mom. Gee what did she want? Whatever it was, she could certainly just come up and tell me. I opened the text and read it.

Can you please come down to the kitchen me and your dad want to discuss something important with you.

I scoffed out loud at the 'dad' part. That man was definitely not my father, he'll never be my father. Sighing I got up out of bed and headed down to the kitchen. "Whats up" I said as I plopped myself in one of the kitchen chairs.

"You probably don't know this", Mr. Lei started "but Nicks birthday is this Friday." I was just about to make some cocky comment about how I don't really care about that assholes birthday when my mom started talking.

"And we would like for you to throw him a little party, even though he's grounded it is his birthday. We're going away for the weekend but I know I can trust you not to have alcohol at this party , right? And nothing to big just a small get together." I hate lying to my mom but there is no way I can throw a birthday party for Nick without alcohol. The small get together I can do but there's got to be alcohol.

Even though I hate lying I smile at them anyways and nod "of course, small get together, no alcohol. I got this." That seemed to be enough for them. They dismissed me and I instantly went upstairs and grabbed my phone. I called the girls "We got some planning to do..." This is going to be one kickass birthday party.

 AN: I know this is really short but I felt the need to upload at least something for you guys. I'm in the process of moving so things are a little hectic. Once everything gets settled in I'll upload a really long chapter for you guys!(:

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