Natasha Whitefield (Taken)

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Name: Whitefield, Natasha

Age: Currently 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Natasha is a sixteen year old girl with long blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes. She stands at an average height, but is a little underweight because sometimes she goes without eating to feed Chi. She wears a long sleeved white top with black lining and a black shirt and boots. She lets her sword hang on the sheath at her waist.

Personality: She is extremely independent because of her childhood, she is willing to do anything she has to make sure her brother, Chi, has everything he needs to grow-up no matter what the task was. Even if it involved some pretty demeaning things that she hated with all her soul. The teen would never let on the toll it was taking on her. She can be very violent at some points when her teammates act immature or she's challenged. Inside she is quite vulnerable, but refuses to show it. Sometimes she becomes a victim of her own demons that takes a toll mentally. She's mature and serious by nature and often acts as the elder sister. She has a hard time trusting guys. 

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: Drawing, Chimaku, her friends, being in control, being alone when she needs to be.

Dislikes: Being Teased, strange emotions, her fears, being away from her brother, people putting others in danger, and seeing people cry.

Scenario: You were working at a store late at night when a girl with blonde hair came slowly walking through the door. At first you didn't think anything of it until she started stuffing food in her jacket. Upon closer inspection you see the clothes she wears are filthy and she looks very thin. She looks up to catch you staring at her and she runs. You...


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