Naomi Scott (open)

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Name: Naomi Scott

Age: 17

Gender: female

(Optional) species: human

Sexuality: straight

Appearance: Has a variety of different sports uniforms and other clothes. However, the most common outfit would be a white pair of shorts and a lavender crop top. Sneakers and bracelets.

Personality: Sporty and smart. She's kind, but can be a party animal at times. Can be flirty and straight forward. Somewhat aggressive at times.

 Likes: Sports, winning, competing, parties, her friends, and getting good grades.

 Dislikes: Fake people, losing, people thinking she's shallow because her popularity status.

Scenario: It's spirit week. Everyone's hyped up for the upcoming dance and celebrations. Now maybe you're into this or maybe you aren't, but most of the student body seems to be. Sports and other various competitions are springing up all over the place. Someone grabs you by the arm before you can protest and drags you over to wear other students are standing. You're paired off in teams of two. A girl with black hair and soft purple eyes looks up at you and says, "Let's win this thing." You-

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