The fuzzy black ball

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So this happened last year in the winter of 2014, (side note: my mom and I had recently moved into this new place the previous winter in 2013.) ~There's a lot of inner personal details to this story that may have led up to or contributed to this incident but I'm not comfortable sharing those issues here, but this is the bare gist of what happened.~ Also, I would like to state that at the time I was going through a mild depression commonly known as "winter blues", this happens almost every year so I generally don't think much of it. But, the winter of 2014 was different, everything felt like a burdensome heavy fog in my life, I think I was unknowingly going through a deep depressive state. Anyway, it was late one night and I didn't have school or work the next day so I decided to stay up a little bit later than usual. I played some soft music and read a book, until my eyes began to get heavy, after a glance at the clock I decided it was time to go ahead and get into bed. This is where sht gets creepy, about three hours into a deep sleep I awoke only to fixate my eyes on what I can only describe as a fuzzy black ball rolling on the floor right by my bed. At first I thought I was dreaming but I realized that I was wide awake when the glare of the night light came into focus. I gathered myself and calmly sat up to get a better look at this black fuzzy ball rolling from my bed to my closet and back again for what was probably mere seconds but it felt like an eternity. All of a sudden the fuzzy black ball stopped rolling and starts to morph, I clinched my sheets in my hands anticipating what was about to happen, right before my eyes it quick morphed into a black willowy thin tall shadow creature. Well scared is an understatement! I said with a loud voice, "What the fck are you?!" and just like that it disappeared. Apparently my mom had been in the kitchen making coffee she walked into my room saw me sitting up and asked me who I was talking to. I told her what I saw, she told me she saw it a couple night after we first moved in. Weird thing is although my mom wasn't suffering from any emotional distress that I was- she saw it too. We both saw it once at separate times, going through different emotional stages and never saw it again (shivers)! I get very creepy vibes about that thing I hope that I never encounter it ever again.

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