Mall Guy

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When I was about six, my aunt was babysitting me and she took me to the mall with her. we were in the food court and she got up to go to the restroom and told me to stay put. when she left, a guy who looked to be in his thirties approached me and started talking to me. I forgot exactly what he said as this happened a few years ago but it was something along the lines of "where's your parents? are you lost?" and when I told him my aunt was in the bathroom, he smiled and asked me if I wanted to hang out with him while I waited for her to get back. in my six year old mind, nothing seemed wrong about this. I said yes and he held out his hand for me to take. luckily, it was that moment when my aunt saw him and started sprinting towards us. as soon as he saw her, he got a scared look on his face. he let go of my hand and took off. I am glad that my aunt got there in time or who knows what would've happened.

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