The Warning(s) Short Scary story by SelestialNorre

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The Warning 11/30/2015 Selestial Norre
I'm 29 and I live alone. My only friend is an array of video games. I don't talk to my family because of some things that happened. I wished I had made peace with them before my life took a turn for the worst. I'm sure with the circumstances, none of them care. I sat down after work to play a video game. I hadn't played Zelda in a while so I decided to bust out a Zelda NES game. I played it for about three hours and something strange happened. One of the characters turned to me behind the screen and an ominous message appeared on the screen. It said, "Look downstairs. There's someone in your house." I stood up out of surprise. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I read it over and over about ten times. I decided it was probably a programming error. I stopped worrying about it. I pressed the A button and continue. A few hours later, I heard a massive crash downstairs. I ran down there with a baseball bat. When I got to my kitchen, I lowered the bat in shock. My kitchen door had been blown off and was sticking out of my stove. I cleaned up the mess and checked around the house. I found nothing at all. I went back to playing my game. About another 3 hours into the game, the old man in the game I found in a dungeon was supposed to say something different than he did. Yet again, it was another warning. It said, "There's someone in your attic." I grabbed my bat because I panicked at this one. Seeing the circumstances of the last warning, I was more inclined to believe the message. I went up to the attic. I reached for the light string and pulled it. It didn't work. I ripped the string out in frustration and threw it aside. I stood up in the attic and my eyes finally adjusted and I looked around. I heard a sound behind me towards the window. There was just enough light coming through the window to tell that there was an old disheveled man sitting on the far side of my attic naked and chewing on a severed hand. He kind of looked like Rubber Johnny. He turned to me and looked at me with his white, glazed over eyes and shrieked. The old man jumped up and ran at me with a knife. I swung at him with the baseball bat. I hit him in the face and sent him flying backward with a twist. The old man hit the floor of the attic with a loud thud. I stood there a few seconds in complete shock at what had happened. I slowly walked over to the lifeless body. I loomed over the body for a second. It was still. As I dropped my guard, the old man popped back up on his feet and I swung the bat once more and put him back down on the floor. My heart rate skyrocketed as I beat down on his face again and again with the bat until he was unrecognizable. He didn't move again. I locked the attic up tight and went downstairs to calm down. I called the police. The police came and checked out my attic. They told me that they didn't find a body as I described. There was still a bloodstain on the floor from where I beat down on the body though. They never found the old man. More importantly, how and why did the game I was playing warn me about him? No amount of science in the world to explain this.

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