Black Van

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This was on Halloween last year. Me and I couple of buddies were out getting candy. Our neighborhood isn't the nicest but isn't the worst I'd say about medium. About 90 minutes in and we see a house with a sign that says "Go to the van for your candy." Which had an arrow pointing down which meant behind us. And sure enough we saw a black van. This house was at the end of a street so it would've been easy to get away fast. But anyway we go to the van and we see a man, he's in the drivers seat. He tells us something like, "your candy is in the back here open up the door and get in so you can get some." I know when something is up and my god were alarms punching my brain in the face with this. We look at eachother with a confused look. We ask the man, "why isn't the door already open and why are you out here couldn't you have done the thing with take one note or something?" He says nothing and just tells us to get in the back for our candy. We say no and continue on our candy collecting. About 20 after the van event we're about 2 blocks away from we see a van about halfway down the street behind us, the same black van from before. I tell the others and we agreed to haul ass back to one of their houses. Once the van notices us running is straight up hauls ass in the other direction. Once we get to our houses and tell our parents they're just calling the police and screaming at them to find a van. Like I said it's been a year now and we agreed to not trick or treat this year. I don't know what would've happened if I or anyone would've gotten into that van.

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