Creepy factory

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Sorry this story seems a bit rushed the main reason for that is because I can hardly remember any of the details. So this happened to me about two years ago, my friend harrison lived in a rural area wich was different for me as I had spent most of my life living in the city.
We had speant about a quater of the summer exploring my friend's mum's ranch and the surrounding areas.
One day she took us on a trip to a friends farm whilst she was talking to her friend's me and Harrison went off on a walk around the area.
We came accross a pretty small factory surrounded by a sea of nettles. That looked like it had been abandoned for a while. We entered through a kicked down door. In the first room there was a large garage area. By the way this place stunk like crap. we went into the next room inside there was hundreds of 1 metre by 1metre concrete squares (after I did some research I found out they were used to hold maggots as the place was a former maggot factory)
After that we went into the last room with two other rooms attached. In the corner of the room was a small radio smashed up with an axe next to it, this creeped me the hell out. I called harrison over. No reply, he was gone. So like I said there were two other rooms attached both had large wooden doors. One door slamed shut. I ran up to it. "Harrison you in there?" I called "come on man stop messing" No sound from inside the door I bailed. I ran out of the factory screaming. Stood outside was harrison. He told me that he saw somone and ran. Two years later and I still don't know who was there. However last month me and Harrison returned as I wanted to film a hallowen special there for my youtube channel (foxboggan). However we were told not to go in because cctv had been installed. Because guess what...people had been living there.

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