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"We have to find him." I tell Stan as we get in the car. He starts up the engine, puts his seatbelt on, pulled out of the parking lot and merged into the fast-moving traffic.

"Why?" He gives me an incredulous look.

"Because..." I frown when nothing comes out of my mouth. Why do we have to find him, I ask myself. "We just do." I answer Stans question with a huff.

"If he cared about me having to apologize to him, he wouldn't have left, you know..." Stan says, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel repeatedly.

"I don't care about you apologizing to him or not anymore, I just need to talk to him." I say and he gives me a weird glance. Why did I just say that? I sound like a desperate freak.

"You need to see him?" He questions me with his lips tucked into his mouth. I merely nod in response. "Okay...but for what exactly?" He asks confused.

"You know that coin I showed you?" I explain and he nods, stopping at a red light as the car lurtches to a soft stop.

"Well it was his," I say and he nods along, already knowing that the coin had belonged to Harry. "And I don't know..." I say frustratedly, leaning my head against the seat. "He's just so intimidating, you know?" I say.

"I don't know, actually." He raises a finger from the steering wheel as if to point it at me. "If he's so intimidating, why would you want to see him again so badly?" He asks and I shrug.

"That's the thing. I don't know the answer to that question, I've asked myself it many times but I seem to come up blank when trying to answer it." I tell him with a longated sigh.

"You don't know him," he states.

"I can get to know him," I reply.

"How are you going to find him, though?" He asks and I groan.

"Phone book?"

"What's his name?" He asks.

"...Harry." I say but instantly shake my head. "No, never mind. I don't know his last name, we wouldn't be able to find him if we used a phone book." I say.

"Just stop, Avery. You barely know the guy," he cries out. "He's probably some taboo freak who likes to scare people with his looks." He shakes his head and scoffs at me. I felt as if someone punched me in the stomach as he said the words that escaped his mouth.

I know Harry has many tattoos on his face and arms and possibly even on his upper body, but the scars; those aren't something someone puts on themselves just for show. There is a reason behind why he has the scars all over him, and maybe that's why I want to see him again. To talk to him and ask questions about him, but I know that's a little rude to question someone's looks like I'm some judgmental person.

"That's not nice," I say softly and sigh under my breathe.

"It's true."

"How do you know? You don't know him, Stan. Maybe he's had a hard past and getting tattoos relaxes him and he enjoys the sight of ink on his skin." I bite at him. "Maybe they represent something..." I say less harshly.

"May I remind you that you do not know him either, Avery." He smiles tightly at me quickly. The light turns green and he takes off making me hit my head on the back of the seat. I growl and give him a glare.

"Sorry," he mumbles and a careless smirk appears on his lips. I roll my eyes, ignoring his immature behavior and rest my head against the window.

"Just bring me home," I say tiredly. "I'll figure a way to contact him later."

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