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After briefly giving me a look, Harry bent down to tell the child something. The kid nodded but the pout on his lips told me he didn't like whatever Harry had said to him. They both turned their backs to me as if they hadn't seen me in the first place.

A small, sharp feeling stabbed at the bottom of my gut and I hold back the urge to let any ounce of anger swell inside of me. How can he just turn around like everything is fine? Like I don't need an explanation of what happened when we were at Cyrene's house.

I'm actually surprised to see him more than he was surprised to see me. He isn't wearing a hoody or sweatpants, or anything in the matter of covering up almost every square inch of your body. He doesn't seem paranoid or bothered that people are giving him side-glances, staring him down like he's some new test result from a science lab.

"Avery, what is wrong with you?" Justin asks trying to get me to focus on him.

"Nothing," I say more of a question.

"Seems to me that you know them. Hence the fact that the little boy was waving crazily to you and the look you gave the man next to him." He tells me and my brows knit together.

"What look?" I ask.

"You looked sad, Avery. Disappointed." He hit the key word. "I'm not a rocket scientist, but it looks to me like you know him." He purses his lips.

"No, I don't." I lie, I want to laugh at myself for such a dumb lie.

"You're lying." He points out.

"Do you have to know everything about me?" I snap suddenly. "Do I have to tell you everything that you want to know?"

"Calm down, I was just asking if you knew them..." His gaze dropped.

"And I said I don't." I say less harshly to him. He gives me a look. "I mean, I do, but not really." I shrug. He nods and looks back at them and then at me.

"Do wanna leave, or...." Justin trails off and I shake my head.

"No, I'm good. Unless you want to leave...?" I return.

"As long as you stay, I'll stay." He says, the words coming out of his mouth in a dreamy way. I clear my throat quickly and he laughs.

"Too much?" He asks.

"Just a tad," I held my index and thumb up in a pinching form which makes him laugh harder.

"I'm sorry. Just came out." He sips on his drink.

"I'm going to the restroom, I'll be back, okay?" I get up out of the booth.

"Sure." he smiles.

I walk myself to the bathrooms where I open an empty stall, lock the medal latch and sit on the toilet. I don't care about the fact that I'm sitting on a germ-infested toilet lid or that someone just walked in right after me when I actually just wanted to be alone for a minute. Just one minute to think, but I guess not.

"Lady?" A kids voice says and I sit upright on the toilet seat. Did I just hear...? Dear God, I hope it's just a girl with a really squeaky voice.

"Yes?" I ask back.

I bend over to look underneath the stall and sure enough it's the same little loafers I saw today when I was at the drink machines.

"Are you Ashley?" He asks and I sigh, opening the stall door and and there stands Bellamy. His bright smile returning to his face when he sees me.

"It's Avery, not Ashley, " I tell him as I walk up to him.

"Oh...Avery." He tests it out.

"What are you doing in the lady's room? You're a boy not a girl." I say.

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