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~Micki's POV~
I just got off the phone with Brandon. I still love him but he needs to know what it feels like to see the one you love kiss someone else. He needs to know how it feels. We made plans to meet up in a few minutes. But what he doesn't know is that I'll be there with Hunter. And I'm sure you can think of the rest.

We met up at Starbucks across from the park. I was sitting by the window with Hunter when we saw Brandon. "Okay. Are you sure you wan to do this?" I asked Hunter. "Yeah. He hurt you and he needs to know what it feels like." Hunter said with a slight smile. With that said he leaned in a pressed his lips softly against mine. I kissed back and a few seconds later we left the kiss. I could see Brandon in the corner of my eye. "Uhhmm. Micki? Hunter?" I heard Brandon say sounding like he was about to cry. "Uhhm. I-I-I don't know what just happened." I said looking at my coffee. "I guess I'll just go. I know you love eachother. I was just hoping to talk and work through this. But. I-I guess you've moved on." He said now crying and starting to walk away. "But I still love you." He mumbled just low enough for me to hear but not clearly. "Brandon wait. I love you too. You just needed to know how much it hurts to see the one you love kiss someone else." I said also crying. Before I could say anything else Brandon's lips are pressed against mine. "I already did. A few months ago on tour when you kissed Hunter. I saw everything. But I still held on because I love you. Zoe was just a friend. And she kissed me. Not the other way around. She asked me out and I said no because I still love you. And when you said that you didn't break my heart. You did when you said you love Hunter. I'm sorry." He said. I feel really bad. He walked away and I fell to the ground. Crying harder, I sat there. Hunter picked me up and we walked back to my house. We were silent the whole way. "This was all my fault." I said walking into my house. I basically live alone because my parents are always at work. 'This is all my fault' I thought to myself. "No it wasn't. It's my fault because I took you from Brandon when I kissed you. Don't think that it was your fault." Hunter said pulling into his arms. He carried me over to the couch and I laid my head in his chest. I want him. I need him. I love him. I thought to myself. But who was I talking about? I don't even know anymore. I love Brandon but I don't know if I believe what he said about saying no to Zoe. Or about Zoe asking him out. I'm just so confused.

~Zoe's POV~
   It's happening. My plan is falling into place. I make Micki believe that Brandon asked me out and she'll hate him. So much that Brandon will come to me instead. This is great. She's too dumb to figure it out anyways. I thought to myself as the door bell rang. I quickly ran to the door and it was just the person I wanted to see.
CLIFFHANGER!! I'm back guys. I was a little sick but I'm okay now!!
And I might start a YouTube channel but idk. Would you guys watch my videos?? Comment below! 😋✌🏻️
Ps. I still need a name for you guys!! Comment that too!
I love you guys!😋✌🏻️💞

Stuck In The Middle. (Hunter Rowland & Brandon Rowland)Where stories live. Discover now