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The school's dean was a strict looking woman with black hair, blue eyes, pale skin that was covered in strange black marks around the neck, and a tight navy blue pantsuit. She looked like someone who had spent her entire life working and going to this school and would possibly be rather proud of her position, and from listening to what she was saying it was further from the truth. She sounded excited to have him here and kept asking some rather random questions from him,

"Are you flat footed?" Magnus shook his head,

"No." She nodded,

"How has your health been prior to this?" He had to think about that one for a minute,

"Good." She smiled brightly at that,

"Did you have many friends at the school you used to attend?" Magnus couldn't keep himself from smiling,

"Loads of them." She returned his smile before turning to his mother nodding then turning back to him.

"This is just something we do for new students at the beginning of their first year here, it gives me a chance to get a feel for the type person they are." Magnus nodded at the same time as someone knocked on the door, they all turned as a boy roughly Magnus's age came in pushing his messy black hair out of his sapphire blue eyes.

"Hey mom I...oh I didn't mean to interrupt I'll just come back later-"

"No need," Ms. Lightwood easily interrupted her son.

"I was actually just about to send for you, Alec this is Magnus Bane, I want you to show him around, let him get a feel of the place." Alec smiled shakily at him and held out his hand,

"A pleasure to meet you." Magnus was rather happy to shake this beautiful boy's hand.

"The pleasure is mine."

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