Not part of the story

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Listen I know that the Jalec chapter came out of left field but it is necessary to tell the story I am trying to tell...and in all honesty with fanfic you should ALWAYS read the tags!!!!!!!

Now the focus of this is Malec and just because you don't like Jalec you shouldn't not read the Jalec bits are in the past and very spread out, and I do lean a lot more heavily on that Jace wants to protect Alec because they are brothers rather than romantic jealousy...but if you want me to give some type of warning before jumping to a past Jalec moment let me know!

Also don't forget to vote and comment as nothing makes me happier than knowing people are enjoying what I write. I did this because I've had comments that make it very obvious that someone( nudge nudge) didn't read the tags. Now thank you for reading and do realize that next week I will begin updates for ALL of my stories on a regular schedule!!

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