The Wedding.

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Fang's POV

It has been 4 months since I had proposed to Max. And today was the day. The day she would become my wife. I was nervous... I was pacing in the room where all the groomsmen got ready also known as the nursery of a church in Phoenix, Arizona.

My groomsmen consisted of Iggy, as my best man, and Gazzy. We were all dressed in nice tuxes and we were clean. So all in all it was an accomplishment. I wanted to wear jeans a t-shirt but Max wanted to do it the "official"way.

Time jump

I was standing at the altar waiting for my Max. I was excited to see her dressed in all white.

That's when the music started to play. And my max was coming down the isle. But first, her two bridesmaids came. Angel and Nudge we both wearing rose gold knee high dresses, and they looked beautiful. Nudge must have seen me looking at them and read my mind.

"You think we look good wait till you see the bride!!" Nudge whispered/yelled. I groaned.

That was when the love of my life started to walk down the aisle to meet me.

Max's POV

As I started to walk down the aisle I looked into Fang's onyx eyes filled with emotion. He was crying a little. I giggled to myself. Jeb looked down at me and gave me a questioning glance. Yes Jeb my biological father was walking me down the aisle. He too was crying.

I felt amazing and very princessy in my beautiful white gown. It was floor length and flowy in the back.( sorry not good at description of wedding gowns😳)
My dress was amazing and as much as I hate dresses I loved this fancy one.

When I reached Fang the priest asked " Who gives this woman to this man?" Jeb said "I do."and sat down.

The priest began with all the less important stuff and I just repeated what he said just as I was told to do.

"Will you Fang Alexander Ride take Maximum Ride to be your beloved wife?"

"I do." Fang responded.

"And do you Maximum Ride take Fang Alexander Ride to be your beloved husband?"

"Yes, I do."

The end.

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