New Day New Flowers

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A/N  hi welcome to my story grab some popcorn,maybe a blanket and get ready for tattoos and flower crowns.

(Hey, guys! This is the new editor, Paridot04! Check my account out if you'd like! I'm working on editing these chapters so, get ready! Okay, sorry!! Bye! <3 )

Jack's POV
The first thing I heard was beeping and realized it was my alarm. I look outside the window as see that it was dawn. I groan as I got up, as it was first day at school. School supply boxes still flooded my room. My room was mint green and the sheets where a light purple color, just like my hair. (A/N I know jack's hair is not purple but I want it to be in this story) I ran my hand through my hair and slowly made my way to the shower and I got out and I kinda woke up more. I got out a grey sweat shirt that said MONDAY in light pink letters, then grabbed some skinny jeans and added mint green converse. I grabbed my white flower crown before heading out of my room. I peeked into the kitchen to find a note on the counter, and it read "hey jack, won't be here this morning, see you at 5:00 pm" I wrinkled up the note as I toss it away. I wasn't that hungry, so I just grabbed an apple from the table and made some coffee.

I walked down the halls of my new school, as an overwhelming scent hit me. This was a big school it had ton of sports. The list was endless. Swimming, hockey, ice skating, gymnastics, ect.
I got some weird looks from people but I didn't give a fuck. I got to my locker and scrolled through the dial. The locker was empty, so I quickly put in the things I didn't need. Although, I kept everything I needed with me. Then,I slowly turned around and bumped into someone! We both scattered to gather our stuff, as I look up to a girl with brown hair in a pony tail, with dipped dyed blue ends, and brown eyes. "Oh sorry, you must be the new kid." she said giving out her hand, and we shook hands. "So what's your name?" She asked "Sean, but call me Jack." I responded,"Mine is Lucy." She said. "What classes do you have?" I asked. "Math, geography, P.E, lunch, study-hall, and then history, oh and also science." I stood shocked. It's the same as mine. "No way those are my classes!" I said, "Well then, follow me." She said as she ran ahead of me and started singing. "I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD.." Then there was a pause. "OF HELL" Lucy and I both started cracking up. "So do you play any sports?" she asked, "No, do you?" I asked. "Ah, you're really funny, Jack."
We got to math and sat next to each other. "Hello class, today we have a student, Sean." the teacher said. "You can just call me Jack" I responded. Then, in comes a boy with blue hair, tattoos, and piercings. He had dark clothing, which I didn't particularly like, but overall he was cute. Oh, and yes I am gay. "You're late Mark." The teacher said. "Shut the fuck up bitch!"He snapped back. "Detention." She said, writing down something. "Amazing." he said sarcastically, taking a seat next to me. The teacher rolled her eyes and started the lesson, as I took out my purple ombré notebook.

When we got to P.E we had to swim laps, and boys had to wear plain blue swim shorts and a plain red swim shirt, just as same with the girls. We had to line up in rows because there were a limited amount of lanes. The boys where separated from the girls. I saw Lucy swim,and she looked like a dolphin trying to swim without its flippers.

We met up after class and I coughed, "You looked like a dolphin, without the flippers." "Like I ever said I was good at it?!" She chuckled.

We got to lunch and I sat down, taking out my lunch. "Are you homophobic?" I asked randomly. I just needed to know. "Wow, that was out of the blue, because I'm gay....kinda. I'm pansexual" She said as I nodded in response. "I like your hair!" She said. "Thanks, I like your blue ends. " I said. "Thanks, Jack." Lucy said with a smile.

We got to study hall and finished our homework, "Give me your number!" she said "Okay, definitely!"

I wrote my number on a small index card and she gave me hers.

In history I felt a some paper hit me, I unrolled it and it said, "Call me 😉" and there was a phone number. Confused and curious, I looked around to see where it came from. "What's That?" Lucy whispered "Nothing,it's nothing..." I said as I shoved it in my pocket.

I got home and typed both numbers in my phone, putting the mystery number as the emoji question marks. And I just named Lucy's number Lucy.

Hi - Jack
Wats up :3- Lucy
Nothing just bored- Jack
I'm getting fast food-Lucy
She sent me picture of my hall way of the apartment that I lived in.

wait do you live in ****? - Jack (A/N I don't know what kind of apartment to type)

Ya, creep- Lucy
I live there- Jack
What's your room number-Lucy

A few minutes later Lucy sent me a picture of my front door

Found you :3 -Lucy

I opened the door to find her standing there.
"Want to get food with me?" Lucy asked
"Yeah, just let me get some money!" I said running up stairs to grab said cash.

We sat down at a both and ordered food.

We just ordered shakes and talked. "So what's with that guy with the blue hair?" I asked. "Oh Mark? Yeah, he's feared by everyone. If you make him feel any negative emotions toward you, he'll hurt you." I nodded. "Some rumors say that he's gay, and I can totally see it." She said. "Do you know who is cute? Kyle."Lucy said with a smirk. "Ehh..." I responded "But Jennifer is cute as shit." She said quickly. I giggled a little.

We got in the elevator and pressed the 6th and 7th floor, and when it got to the 6th, I said bye to Lucy and stepped out. I raddled with my keys, stuck it in the knob as it turned, opening my door, and I finally got into my apartment.

A/N here was the first chapter I hope you enjoyed I will make chapter 2 hopefully.

Tattoos and flower crownsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora