It cant be true

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(Mark's POV)

I through the rain to get to school quickly hurrying to get out of the rain,I saw Jack walking on the side walk I went up
To him and gave him a peck on the cheek "hey" Jack said and and grabbing my hand,we walk into and everyone is use to us now the drama has gone down. Jack and I go straight class because we had all of our stuff in our bag. When Jack and I say done he quickly went in his bag and pulled out a red flower crown. "Why did you just not put it on when you were getting ready" I ask "because i don't want to get it wet" Jack said.

I have been told Jack has been cheating on me over and over but I will not believe it,he could never I kept thinking to myself. I met up with Jack at lunch "do you know rumors are going around that you cheated on my" I said but hoping not get the a answer I would not like to hear. "I know right,everyone keeps asking if I cheated on you" I was relieved.
(Jack's pov)
I have been thinking about Lucy a lot I really miss her I hope she gets out of her comatose soon. It will be kinda weird knowing that I'm dating my friends cousin,I just hope she wakes up. Mark and I got spilt up for talking too much he was basically on the other side of the room. I pulled out my phone
Jack:hey markiemoo
Mark: hey Jackaboyi
We gave each other cute nicknames for each other. We talked for a little more then put our phones away. The bell finally rang and I put my notebook in my bag. I head to my locker and put everything in it,today was a rare day that I didn't have homework. I walk out of the school about to leave that gates when I heard "Jack" it was make but in a angry tone. "What's wro.." I was cut off "don't say what's wrong you know what you did" Mark said stepping closer "Mark what's going on" I asked he pulled a paper out of him pocket "explain this" he said handing my a folded paper. I opened it and it was me kissing a guy I had never seen, "Mark this is fake" I said kinda scared by now a crowd has circled over us "sure it was" Mark said in a scarcest tone. "Mark I swear to god this is fake" I said more loud "do you know what also was fake" Mark said it was a short pause "our relationship" Mark shoved me to the ground and left the gates I felt water build up into my eyes and fall down my face. I got up and I knew everyone hated me but the photo was fake who would pull a disgusting prank like this. I thought of what happened over and over as I walked down the sidewalk. Now I wish I was home already,it felt blank without Mark walking me home.
Then at that moment everything changed
Soon a hand covered my mouth and a arm locked my body I heard a whisper "I have a gun to your head follow me into the car or you die" I was so confused of what was happeneding we got in the back of a van and then I got blind folded and my mouth was tapped. I know at least two people are behind me I can hear. I try moving them I hear "I still have a gun to your head" I stop I began thinking what's was happening,is this a dream,why me. "We're here" I heard "just remember I have a gun to your head so don't do anything stupid. We get out of the car and the guy guides me into a house in guesting and down some stairs. He positions me to sit near a pillar and he grabs my hands and ties them behind it. He removes the duck tape from my mouth "w-what do y-y-you want" I stutter I hear a small laugh "you will see" the. I hear "oh by the way this is a sound proof basement so don't even thinking screaming will help. Someone removed my blindfold and I see shadow as someone removed the blindfold more the shadow reveled.........

A/n Im going to end it hear I will hopefully update this soon because I am really happy to write these pants chapters because this is where stuff gets intense.

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