The painting of life

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It Was a sunset on the beach,relaxing our lips pulled away and I snapped back to
Reality Mark and I looked deeply into each other eyes,his lips moved but I could not make out what he said due to the storm around  us but it felt like we were at our own little land. "What Mark" I asked "j-Jack I love you so much,and I-I-I have not felt like this since ale..." Their was pause "who" I asked "never mind but I have not felt like this in a long times it may have only been a 4 years but It felt like centuries,Jack my world felt black and white all over but when I saw you,you splashed color in to my painting and that color spread into other colors something I have not seen in a long time it was wonderful and is. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever feel like this way again,I have had the strongest feeling for you and I can not bottle them up anymore.JACK I LOVE YOU PLEASE BE WITH ME,be my boyfriend" Mark said in all kinds of emotions. I looked up a t him staring into him brown eyes that were magical "Mark I feel the Same way I have been dying to find the right person but never found one,when I saw you my mind raced fastest than ever,first I thought you did not like me but somehow we pulled together...make I would love to be with you". Our emotions of sentences left each other speechless and hugged each other knowing we had trust in someone that someone cared,that someone loved us. We pulled back and saw each other expression we cold not help but pull into what seemed a magical of a kiss.

(Mark's POV) I woke up and last night flashed over and over through my mind repeatedly but then something broke the circle "make wake up you have school" my mom called I just through on some clothes and did everything you do in the morning I don't know I was so happy to see Jack. As I entered the gates of the school students flooded in "are you and Jack dating?" Did you and Jack Kiss" "do you truly love each other?" But then I spotted jack I rushed to him and quickly whispered "did you tell about last night" Jack looked up me In shocked "no,do they know" is shocked my head into response "should we just tell them" Jack asked. I knew I had to do this I grabbed him hand and said "yes" is what left my lips.

(3rd Person POV)

When Jack and Mark told what happened it spread like wild fire,someone were disgusted at the idea,someone people found it to be adorable,and some people were happy knowing their OTP came to life. Jack and Mark became super happy there was not black and white anymore not even the slightest to be seen.

*perviously at Jack's house*

"So it's a 87% percent chance Lucy will wake up okay" Jack said "yah" Mark said,Mark put his arm around jack and pulled him closer to him.

*at school*

Mark looked up at the board and started to write down notes,every since Jack and Mark started dating Mark has found a lot of more things interesting in the world. Make felt a tap on his shoulder and Olivia (one of his class mates) gave him a folded note,he quickly locked around to Josh sure to teacher caught him. He opened the note

"Hey Mark your boyfriend cheated on you with Jake" Mark looked back at him and Josh had a serious look on his face and nodded. Mark knew Jack would never do that he couldn't have? Make thought. He quickly scribbled "like I would believe that I will when you have proof " he quickly folded and told Olivia to give it to Josh. Moments later he felt another tap the note again he opened it and found a new sentence,

"Okay but don't be to upset when you find a Picture in your locker" Mark knew it was all a lie he crumbled the note and threw it the garbage and went back to him notes.


I hope all of you are liking my book can't believe I got 2 chapters done In a week see now we are both happy yay okay I hope I see all of you lovelies soon!

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