The Keys

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Hello reader I am trying to think of a name for all
Of you but anyway shout to my friend she helped me with ideas for this story she's avcually reading lets caller her yandere chan because she really likes yandere simulator and I will include her in  a chapter soon but let's get started
(Real quick, this chapter had just been edited! Please enjoy! -Paridot04)
(Lucy's POV)
Today was the day. I walked over to my closet and peeled part of the wall off, to only show a box laid hidden inside.  I grabbed the old wooden box and carefully put it on my bed. I opened it, and the old note was its content. It was weathered down and turning a strange yellow-y color. This has been passed down through my family.

I grabbed the keys, the keys to the school, the abandoned side where no one has been in for the longest time. My cousin and I are the ones who are attending to it now.  I grab the keys and place the box back in the wall. I was the one who got to keep it safe. And unfortunately, my cousin got upset that I got them, but it was always the youngest who receives them.

After school I talked to Jack about it and he was kinda scared, because 'Who knows what's in there'.  The windows are all boarded up, and there's only one set of keys to open the door to it. I turned the keys and heard a click. I pushed the door open, only to see papers and books were all over the floor.  "Hey, how did you grandfather get the keys anyway?" Jack asked.  "He used to be the principle of this school." I responded.

We explored and ended up finding some old desks, broken chalk boards, and the most interesting thing; another door that led underneath the school. Now I admit, I was kinda scared for myself, but what Jack and I found was quite strange. Underground was a swimming pool, and all the water was gone, with mold everywhere. We wandered the underground until we found black mold, which was poisonous.  We decided to head back upstairs.

We opened a storage room and found some boring shit in there, but then found a ladder that led to the rooftop.  We climbed and climbed. There was a door to get in, and I had to use the keys, which was strange.  I don't understand why my grandfather kept these, but anyways, we got to it.

The view was amazing, with an astounding sunrise over the town, and the mountains in the distant made it ten times better. I looked to the left of me and found a tape recorder under the small roof the covered the door, as I hit play. 'Hello, you must be my grandkid. I told your father to put this on after I passed away, to tell you something. The real reason why the building got shut down it was not because of a fire it's because'

Marks POV

I got up early.He gave her the keys, and  I wanted to see it, but I was also kinda mad, but I guess it's okay. Truth is, I'm just worried about her.  I have always been overprotective of Lucy I mean she is my cousin.  (OHHHH PLOT TWIST NEVER THOUGH YOU SAW IT COMING OHHHHH......I'm so sorry I should stop doing that.)

I put on my heely's so I could get there faster. When I got there, she must of left the door open. Lucy was looking around and I heard someone else with her.

I followed them to the rooftop, and I looked through the door,  to see a guy with his hands on her hips, and Lucy on the edge of the roof.  I panicked and I rushed over, pushed the guy off,  but making me fall on top of him somehow. I notice it was Jack, and he had the "wtf is going on?" look in his eyes.  "MARK!" I heard Lucy yell.  I quickly get up off him as Lucy helps him up. "Why did you do that?" She said in calmer tone.

"I thought he was going to push you! And you're  not supposed to have anyone up here." I said.  "We were only recreating a Titanic scene, and you're not supposed to be up here either." She said, and silence filled the rooftop. "Let's just go before anyone sees us..."Lucy said, pulling out the keys.

Before we left we went into my grandfathers office, and papers were everywhere, pictures were fallen, and also a drawer filled with old and broken flip phones. Like, dozens of them.

Throughout the day, I caught myself starting more at Jack, which was really strange but then the rest of the day was normal.

Hope you enjoyed I will update in a week hopefully bai

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