New memories

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Suky's POV

I woke up to see thy I'm in a hospital.. And saw a guy right next to me crying. "Suky! Your alive!! I'm no thankful!!" He then hugged me happily.. How did I get here??" He then looked at me "Oh my named Ren! People said that you lost your memories, when you got hit by that car." He then looked out of the window "isn't it beautiful!" I looked to see "What's that pretty white stuff?!?" He smiled its called snow. He petted my ears.. Well then lets take you home!! You and me will make new memories!!
He took my hand and we were going inside a car.. "What's that??" He then carried me "lets go inside!!" We sat in the car, and I kept looking around.. This is a weird thingy mabob. He chuckled "Yeah I can tell you don't like it one bit." He carried me to a huge building "What's that!!" He looked at me "this is where you're going to live! In a big mansion! With maids, butlers, and amazing food that will be cooked.
I smirked "Oh really?? Will then make me the best fried rice every in the whole entire world!!!"
He looked at me in a weird way.. "Okay?? I'll try and tell the chefs to cook you the best fried rice." We then got inside of the house "it was beautiful I loved it!!"

We sat at the table and waited for food to be served, and looked around the room and saw something I never saw before!! I ran to it, I then pressed a button and a drink came out. I got to excited, that I pressed all of the buttons. And a whole load of drinks came spilling out of the whatever it was. I then ran back to the chair, and acted like nothing happened. Ren came back with a bowl of fried rice. Here you go!! The best friend rice ever, I ate it and spit it out "it tastes like nothing. Well I'm going upstairs to sleep. He then grabbed my hand "wait you have to go to school with me tomorrow though..." I smiled "sounds like a good plan." I followed a maid and took me to my room. She told me where the bathroom was and that all the stuff that was in the room belonged to me, I smiled happily.
I then took a shower and threw on my sleeping clothes. I got on the bed noticing that Ren and I was very close. As I looked at that picture of was holding hands, and close to each others face! I started to blush!! "Damn!! He's so cute!!" We'll I can't wait for school!!"

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