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He was definitely gorgeous. I didn't care how cheesy it sounded. He was certainly blessed in the gene pool department. No one should be allowed to look that good, I thought.

"Who is that?" I asked the punk girl next to me.

"That's Luke." She took a sip of her drink and stared at him.

I rolled my eyes at the floor.

"Okay I know who Luke is, Thalia. I want to know who the dark haired one talking to him is."

I looked up at her. She had a new blue streak in the front of her hair, highlighting her bright blue eyes. Thalia shook her head slightly, as if looking at Luke had put her in a trance. I watched her eyes move to the boy next to Luke.

"That would be Percy. I'm surprised you don't know who he is yet. You've been in New York for how long now?"

"Uh three months maybe?"

"Precisely my point. From what I've heard, he's a player. But you shouldn't exactly believe what everyone tells you."

She went back to staring at Luke, her teeth biting her bottom lip. I could almost hear her thought by looking at her face. She was longing to be next to him. It was obvious.

I took a sip from the drink in my hand. I couldn't figure out the taste.

"Annabeth." Thalia punched my arm. Not very lightly, I might add.

"What?" I asked, as I rubbed my arm where she hit me.

"He's looking at you."

I moved my eyes to where he stood. He was looking at me of all people. He set his empty glass down on the table he was leaning on and began walking in my direction.

"He's walking over here."

"Yes I can see that idiot." I said rolling my eyes at her once more.

He stopped right in front of me.

"Hey." He stared directly into my eyes. "I'm Percy."


"Wanna come to my place?"

I tried to look at Thalia for confirmation, but she wasn't next to me anymore. 


I followed him out the back door. He was walking towards the vintage convertible.

It was a short drive full of loud, alternative music and wind in my hair. He stopped the convertible in front of an older looking apartment building.

"Here we are my lady."

He lived in a small apartment. Percy walked out onto a small balcony connected with what must've been his room.

It was a nice view. You could see the city from this place. The tall buildings lit up the dark sky.

"Its so cold out here." I crossed my arms over my chest to keep myself warm.

I heard the ruffling of clothes and his footsteps. Turning around, I saw him putting his dark green flannel around my bare shoulders.


"I can't let a pretty girl get cold, now can I?"

I felt his eyes on me, making my cheeks burn.

"Hey I know something we can do."

The black haired boy didn't wait for a response, he just went back inside.

"Where are we going?"

"Follow me and you'll see."

We walked side by side down the streets of New York. It was scary at night. We started walking past creepy, broken down buildings. The perfect setting for murder, I thought.

"Um where are we going?"

"I'm not going to hurt you don't worry princess."

Princess. What kind of nickname is that?

He turned left and went inside a hold in an abandoned building. I could hear loud music from outside. I stayed close to him, not trusting anyone or anything else around me.

We moved through the darkness until we reached a useable door. He opened it, letting me go in first.

It looked like there was some type of party or concert going on. Everyone was dancing to the loud music the band was playing on the stage. Colorful lights danced around the dark building.

"Welcome to Friday nights entertainment." He said lifting his arms up.

I saw a black line appear when the sleeve of his white T-shirt came up. Another showed up at his waistline. Tattoos, I thought.

We ended up dancing to the beat of the drums for hours, until he bent down to whisper into my ear.

"My place?"

I nodded even though he probably couldn't see. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the crowd, back to where we came in.

When we got back to his place, I sat cross legged on his soft bedspread. Percy sat next to me. I looked back at his arm. I noticed how the ink became visible when you were closer to it.

"Can I see it?" I asked him.

"See what?" I guess he didn't see me looking.

I pointed to his arm. "Your tattoo."

He didn't answer. He just slid his shirt off and put it on the other side of him. I thought he had only two of them, but I was wrong. He had a some small and some large ones scattered around his body.

I gently traced the one on his arm with my finger.

"How many do you have?" I looked up to find his eyes staring back at me.

"I stopped counting."


His face was suddenly close to mine. Closer than I remembered. His lips quickly latched onto mine. When he began to pull away, I didn't let him. We sat in silence for a while, not saying anything, just taking in each others presence.

I traced the tattoos on his back for a while, mesmerized by them. He seemed to relax under my touch.

All of a sudden, I remembered Thalia. I kind of felt bad, I left her alone.

"Hey I left my friend at the bar, can you take me back?"


He walked me in, but I lost him once I went looking for Thalia. I assumed he went to find his friend too.

After I had searched the whole bar, I decided to go find Percy. I saw him talking to another girl across the room. I found myself hating her the second I saw her. Instantly, I looked away. But when I looked back up, he was kissing the girl.

He's a player. Thalia's words rang in my head. I should've known.

It became hard to breath. You just met him a few hours ago you can't feel that way, I told myself.

I ran out the door, never seeing him again.


I realized I hadn't update since december.... I'm so sorry I've been writing 2 other stories.

sorry for editing mistakes. I felt bad for not updating and didn't edit thoroughly.

update: I got a laptop for Christmas so I can write more. YAY!

I called this Trouble because I listened to I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor when I wrote it :)

Also, 90.2k reads...... THANK YOU SO MUCH HOLY SCHIST

~Savannah ;)

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