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Time: theyll b 15-16-17ish

~~~~~~~~~~~~~random seperation squiggly line~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Do i ever cross your mind?" I asked him.


"Do you like me?"


"Do you want me?"


"Would you cry if i left?"


"Would you live for me?"


"Would you do anything fo me?"


"Do you even think im pretty?"


"Dont you worry about me leaving sometimes?"


"Choose....Choose me or your life."

"I choose my life."

"Fine then!!"
Afterwards stormed off, my heart full of hurt pain, deep into the woods into my secret treehouse. Not really smart because Jason.... Ugh Jason.... knew where it was and would probably suspect i was up there.

I ran everytime i heard a noise coming from the echoes through the woods.

Eventually, i made it back to camp. I found myself one day sitting inside Annabeths cabin sobbing my heart out.

"Hey Piper. Whts wrong?"

I told her then and there what was abnormal.

"That jerk! That was definetely a breakup line. Im so sorry Piper."

"Ive been running everytime ive heard a sound. I know hes looking for me."

"You stay here and ill go get some dinner. Im sure the Aphrodite cabin will be able to inderstand your absence. Jason doesnt deserve to be seen anywhere near you." She told
me sympathetically.

"Ok thanks."

I had sat there alone for about 5 minutes when there was a knock on te door.

"Hey Annabeth, have you seen Piper?"

Ugh Jason.

I sat there to frozen to move and waited until the footsteps faded away.

Five more minutes later the door opened.


"Hey. Thanks Annabeth"

We ate in silence. Once we both finished i told her i was going to take a walk on the beach.

I was walking up and down the beach when i heard my name being called from somewhere behind me. When i recognized the voice, i darted off as fast as i could to anyplace safe.

I found myself running into Annabeths cabin.
I ran in quickly and slammed the door shut behind me. I leaned against the back of it, panting heavily, not noticing Annabeth was reading.

"What the hades Piper??" She half shouted.

Just then the voice appeared and faded away just as quickly.

"Sorry! I gotta go now"

Then i darted out just as i had come in.

I ran and ran for my treehouse until a hand caught ny wrist.

I turned around terrified of everything and anything at the moment.

"Pipes let me explain. Please. Just 5 minutes."

It was none other than Jason.

"Fine go."

"You never cross my mind because youre always on it. I dont like you i love you. I wouldnt cry if you left i would die. I wouldnt live for you id die for you. Id wouldnt do anything, i would do everything for you. I dnt think youre just pretty, i think you are extremely beautiful and attractive. I worry about you all the time. I would choose my life because you are my life."

I tried to stifle back a tear and laugh but failed.

"Oh Jase im so sorry."

"Dont be i was the stupid one."

I pulled out of his grasp and jumped up into him and kissed him.


HEY PPLZ!! Remember me?? The author?? No ok its fine ive been gone forever.

So i was reading a while ago and this person took my jiper/jasper idea like one of my entire short stories i have posted. Um no.

QOTD: who likes cheese?? I DO!!



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