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Time: how about Gaea was defeated and now the 7 are at Goode Highschool together?

A/N: over 400 reads?? What?? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ok read on now pplz.

⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡random seperation lightning bolts emojis⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Pipers POV

The gods of olympus decided to give us a break or a normal life for once. We get to go to school. Yay. No not yay. More like no. Kill me now. Im pretty sure Annabeth was the only one excited about going back to school again.

The gods gave us a large mansion with a barrier so we didnt have to worry about monsters.

I went outside and checked the mailbox. Inside was a letter from the gods. I opened it a inside was a list of chores for all of us.

We get a chore list every Friday from the gods. It consists of chores for us to complete during the weekend or the rest of the week.

Jason and i happened to get backyard leaf duty together.

Since its currently fall and we have a large backyard, this was going to take some time. (A/N: Idk about u but in michigan we have four seasons) Yay chores. No not really. But yay Jason!

We all decided to do our chores Saturday.


Jason and I went outside to do the leaves.

After and hour and a half most of the leaves were all in a giant pile.

"Hey Jase, wanna jump in the leaf pile? Itll be fun!" I asked.

"Why not?" He said with a smile on his face.

I jumped into the big pile of leaves and just lied there with me eyes closed. Then i felt some leaves fall ontop of me an i laughed. Of course Jason appeared next to me. We started making leaf angels like little kids do in the snow.

I was actually laughing for once because i was having some fun. Jason never likes to break rules or get off task.

I saw him stand up and hold out his hand out for me.

I looked around im amazement and saw all the leaves were spinning around us in the air like a tornado almost.

I smiled and looked at Jason. He was smiling back at me.

I was so mesmerized by those bright blue irises he had shining in his eyes that i almost didnt notice he had gotten down on one knee and was holding a little blue ring the color of his eyes.

"I love you so much Piper. I got you this promise ring so you know that 24/7."

I smiled brightly and said, "i love you Jase, thank you." And with that I kissed him.

⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡random seperation lightning bolt emojis⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Srry about tht crappy chapter. I mite rewrite later idk. I have another idea for percabeth so i may or may not post again today. K enjoy your fun lives now.

Btw would u like it if i did a question at the end of each chapter?

Disclaimer: all rick guys all rick

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