City of Heavenly Fire: My version!

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Hey guys! I thought that maybe I could write my version of the final book in the Mortal Instruments series. 

"Hey!" Clary said as she walked over to the bed where Jace lay. He smiled over at her. 

"Hey gorgeous!" He chuckled. He sat up, wincing slightly. "Maryse wants to see you in the library. She wouldn't tell me. Something about my state?" 

"Alright, I'll be back straight after!" She Kissed him softy and padded out of the infirmary.

Something wrapped around her legs and she stiffened. She relaxed when she saw that it was only Church.

"Hey little fella!" She rubbed behind his ears. "Bring me to Maryse." She stopped outside the Library, bracing herself  for what waited inside.

Maryse face was pale, dark bags under her eyes. "Clary." 

"What did you want to show me?"

Maryse didn't reply, she motioned to the double doors that led into another room.

When Clary saw what waited inside, she was sick all over the carpet. 

Angel Wings. Golden ichor smeared on the carpet.

"Sebastian." She hissed. Maryse nodded. "That's not all."

She handed Clary a note. As she read it, her blood turned ice cold. 

I am coming.

She gulped. "F-for me. He's coming for me." 

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