Guess Who

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Magnus sat on his chair, fire dancing in his catlike eyes. He had run out of tears to cry. That little Clary girl... she was going to pay. Blue sparks laced his fingers.

He couldn't believe what she had reduced him to.

"Alec." Magnus whispered, his throat dry, his voice cracking. Tears flowed freely. "Alec please come back. I need you"

Yes, Clary was going to pay dearly. But to do that, he first had to get Jonathan out of the way.


Magnus stood near a shopping centre. Where was he? Then he saw him.

"Hello." Sebastian purred. "What do you want, warlock?" 

"I have a preposal for you." Magnus replied.

"And what would that be?"

"I will give you Diana Herondale."

"And what  would you want in return?"

"I want you to kill Jonathan."

So that happened.........

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