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Two days had passed, with pain from Sebastian. He's waiting for me to die. He knows we need Jace to win the War and If I'm dead, Jace won't be able to fight. Clary arched her back as the whip came down. She bit her lip to stopherself from screaming. Blood trickled down her chin.

"Now you know what I went through, Little Sister." Sebastian spat.

"No I don't Jonathan." She snarled. That earned her another slap. Through everything, she didn't cry or scream. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Demon Metal. Won't ever heal." He chuckled.

"You sick bastard." Simon shouted from the corner. He was shaking, starving to death. 

"Shut it, vampire. You're just here to do my dirty work." 

"You won't get anything out of me." Clary growled. "Simon will kill me before I'll tell you everything. I wont cry, won't scream. You can't control me. I'm a shadowhunter."

"Shadowhunter?" He threw back his head and laughed. "You have no training, no marks. And I know a way to make you scream." he grabbed her hair and dragged her to the door.

"NO!" Simon jumped to his feet. Sebastian whipped out a dagger and threw it. It stuck in his shoulder. Clary clamped her mouth shut, letting out a whimper as he pushed her into the bedroom.

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