A Cry for Help

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Jace couldn't breathe. Him and Clary had never..... How could...... It wasn't possible. 

"Clary.......?" He trailed off, afraid of the answer. She didn't answer, she just continued to sob. The nurse had left.

"It's not mine." He stated. "Who's?" She stayed silent.

"Clary please........" He begged. He needed to know.

"S-s-s- Sebastian." SHe choked. He growled.

"I....... He.......... What.... I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Clary sprang at him, pinning him to the seat. 

"No Jace please. He is stronger than before. Please. Let the Clave handle this." She kissed him. "I'm sorry, he pinned me down. I wasn't strong enough."

Jace wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay. We will get through this. I will raise this child with you. Sebastian won't touch a hair on their head." He kissed the top of her head.

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