Magnus' Farewell

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Sorry guys, but here it is. *Slight trigger warning* Read at your own discretion. Love you all xx

Magnus was drunk. Really drunk. He'd had one of those blue drinks, against his better judgment. The rest was a blur. He had flashes of memory that scared him. A girl in a tight green dress. A boy with decidedly less clothes than he should have, thanks to Magnus. Shadowhunters. Two of them. Blood on his hands. The smell of death in a cold alleyway. The scream of a dying girl. He'd killed her simply because he could. She's been barely fifteen, a child. It was her eyes. Alec's eyes.

Pain racked through Magnus' body. He stumbled home, surviving by chance. He crashed through the house until he stood at the sink, looking in the mirror. His hair was a wreck. Glitter and dye stained his skin, along with the blood. He could taste the copperyness of it in his mouth. His head was pounding and his heart felt fit to burst. He staggered back, clutching his chest. His throat was raw. Opening one of the cabinets, Magnus grabbed a small bottle of white pills. He spilled some onto his hand and tossed them all into his mouth. He filled his mouth with water and painfully swallowed. He couldn't breathe. He was dying, Magnus knew. He stepped back, taking one final look at himself in the mirror. He clenched his fists and the glass exploded.Shards dug into his skin. He hobbled into the sitting room and glanced around. A glint caught his eye. He walked over. It was a dagger. Alec must have left it there. He caught it up, tightening his grip intil his knuckles screamed in protest. He took a deep breath. 

"I love you Alexander."

He thrust the blade into his stomach, dragging it across sharply. He let out a gasp of pain, warm wetness coating his hands, the knife, the carpet. A single tear slid down his stained cheek as Magnus' lifeless body fell to the floor and it glittered on the bloodstained carpet.

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