Interviews 2!

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This is my interview with @bowler98( me) and @NicAthena


Me: Hi I am from Tween gleam magazine, I am the chief and the interviewer and one of my friend chose you to interview because she thought you were a great writer.              NicAthena: Sure, ask away :) I'd be honored c

: Me: Well What inspired you to write all your books?         NicAthena: What inspired me to write all my books was that I wanted to create a different world where I can skip reality and let my story suck me on and be something different. A place where imagination never dies. My progress continued with the support of my best friends; Adrie, Angel, Pamela, Joyce, and Summer. I couldn't have completed it without these special people and also, my wattpad parabatai:@strangledscreams :)

Me:How did you hear of wattpad?            NicAthena: Believe it or not, I never knew this site existed last year until August because of my crush. He blabbered about why he hates his sister and the only thing his sister does everyday is Wattpading and I got curious and at exactly the 1st of september, I joined the community :)

Me: Which on of your books are you proud of? NicAthena: Definitely the one I'm currently writing right now...
"Kidnapped To Be Married" because it's in a simpler form of writing plus, I get to really feel my characters and because of this story, a lot of people have found me :)

Me: Has anyone sent you a negative comment, If yes how do you react?      NicAthena: Ah, yes, someone did. But, I think they're just confused so I tried explaining it to them but it was in my other story 'The Bittersweet Wolf'. So far in 'Kidnapped To Be Married' , I haven't received any of those yet

. Me: What would you tell your fans who might have given up writing on wattpad, to encourage them? NicAthena: Aye, mate, my dear lovelies, and that includes you guys too who are reading this, when you want a story, an escape to the harsh life of yours, why not write something out? Make characters who could be with you till the end. It's okay to have a cliche story as long as there's a twist and write because you want to not because you felt like it is needed. Even if you give up on writing, it'll always come back to you as a significant reminder on what you can do. You just need patience and creativity, and never give up. By writing different stories, you'll be more enhanced and challenged and then... you'll improve :) xx

Me: Have you had a crush on wattpad that you knew you could not have?       NicAthena: Oh my God *squeals and hides myself underground forever* Little crush yeah, but nothing too deep ;) I mean, most of the guys here are too vain and they were all like 'Come and enter, a guy here!' in the cafe club so basically of course all the girls will go gaga over that thread then they'll be like 'Hi there sexy ;)' . Eew. But not all guys I guess though I haven't met one...yet.

Me: Have you had a writers block, if so how frustrated can you be?          NicAthena: Gosh! A lot of times -.-. Thrice it happened on my 'Kidnapped To Be Married' and then the idea of the next chapter suddenly struck out on me, when I was taking a shower in a hotel in another country. As to my other story, 'The Bittersweet Wolf' I think 10 times or so but I honestly don't believe in writer's block anymore because all you need to do is squeeze your brain out for some ideas or observe your environment and plan it. ;) Believe me it makes me want to pull my hair out so I just try to plan the next chapters in advance. :3

Me: Have you learned anything from wattpad?       NicAthena: Very much so, I learned a lot of things from different people. I have a lot of friends and readers who wants to get to know me and, funnily enough, they share their life stories and I can't help but laugh or feel sad for them. There was this one person who was reading 'Kidnapped To Be Married' and she asked me to update because she needs to get to surgery in 2 days and update I did. She told me that I was her inspiration and my heart was just moved on how I could give hope to other people, on how I could make them smile and laugh just by reading. For that I'm thankful to God for giving me the inspiration and ability to write! :)

Tween Gleam Magazine August IssueWhere stories live. Discover now