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Almost everyone I know have "panda eyes" - you know those dark circles under your eyes that make you look like you haven't slept in days? Since 9 out of 10 people have this problem, chances are you've experienced it before. There are many reason why you get them:

1. Lack of Sleep

2. Allergies, Asthma, and Eczema. They cause the eyes to itch, which contributes to darker circles due to rubbing around your eyes.

3. Bad Diet and Lack of Nutrients. It contributes to the discoloration around the eyes.

4. Sun Damage. It causes excess skin pigmentation due to sunburns. So always wear sunscreen.

5. The skin around your eyelids is the thinnest skin in the body. When blood passes through the veins close to the surface, it produces a bluish tint.

How do we get rid of dark circles? I'll give you a boring list on how to get rid of them:

1. Sleep

2.Treat your allergies.

3. Eat healthy.

4 Drink lots of water.

I know we are are all busy through out the day and may not have time for that.

Home Remedy:


Licorice Extract

Vitamin K

Aloe Vera

Small container

1)Squeeze two drops of the gel Vitamin K pill into the small container. 2)Add two drops of Licorice extract. 3)A tiny dot of aloe vera. 4)Mix together. 5) Apply under you eyes every night to reduce darkness.

Another way to treat dark circles is to put a slice of cucumber on your eyes. Keep them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes a day.

Use a concealer to camouflage the dark circles. Recommended concealer is the Hard Candy's Glamoflauge Heavy Duty Concealer. Apply the concealer with your ring finger under your eyes.

 You are always beautiful no matter what you put on yourself :) Have fun and Good Luck!

Tween Gleam Magazine August IssueWhere stories live. Discover now