Boy Troubles and Girl Code!

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Question: Well first, I am a ''loser'' in school and I'm in love with the most popular guy ever. He's the captain of the soccer team and his friends are retarded but I literally can't stop thinking about him, but we never talk! It's just so depressing...................

Well it's just like he doesn't take any notice of me and I mean I don't understand why I like him but he's so funny and very cute but I've never had like a serious conversation with him before, I've talked to him a few times but nothing that makes me think he likes me back :( Em, he is a really good drawer and I'm good at making people laugh I guess and I like my eyes I guess.



Okay, so have you ever tried asking him a favour? Like, tell him that you need a card or something and its for your mum's birthday or any other excuse, okay? Try doing that. . . And then text him or tell him that she really liked that etc. you can use any other excuse too.

Wear eye liner;) oh and one more thing, try socialising with other girls and make them like you and laugh naturally and talk a lot and make the other person laugh or smile or keep her/him interested IN FRONT OF HIM:)

•IDreamed :

I have never been in a situation like that before, due to the fact my school doesn't have "popular" people and I was homeschooled half my life... But, I can guess how hard it is.

What I would suggest is talking to him every once and awhile! I know it could be hard to talk to some people sometimes because, as humans, we're all afraid of rejection. But, the quote I live by is "Don't be afraid to look stupid!" For all you know he'll start liking you for being brave enough to stand out in a crowd and speak to him!


I’ve had that same problem before. It just frustrated me to death. What I would suggest is trying to talk to him a little more often and keep it up! Try and ask some serious questions, and maybe by just talking to him more, you’ll become a friend of his. (: I know that might be hard, since I used to never be able to talk to any guys before high school, but there might be people who will help you build up the courage if you need it. (:

.@bowler98 Okay I know I am not in boy troubles but this sounds so interesting! If you like this boy go to him when he is alone and say ''Hi I am looking for a new freind.'' He would probably smile and you guys would chat. 1. GET HIS NUMBER , once you start talking and connect and you feel like you know him, finally reveal that you like him, BUT take it slow like tell him how you have really connected with him over the times you guys have been freinds, then finally hit him with the question '' Do you like me?''. If you say that he wont know that you like him. If he says 'NO' and blushes, he likes you. That's when you t say that you like him back but don't want to ruin the freindship. If he really did like you then YAY!!!!, if he does not, you guys can continue to be freinds and hey maybe he'll like you in the future.



Question: I have guy problems. I have this crush on my best friend and I don't know how to tell him, I mean, I don't wanna ruin our friendship. My life is complicated. Please help me..



Okay, try blackmailing him emotionally. I know I sound creepy but when you're sitting with him, try talking about how you like small romantic gestures and all, then after you're done talking about yourself, talk about him. Ask him what would he do for his girl (if he had one). You may praise him the way a girlfriend does and act like nothing happened. This may seem awkward, but try doing for example: he told you some good news, just be as happy as you can be (of course, not too much), just to show him that you really are happy and give him a hug and a peck, then act as if nothing happened. If he gives you the strange look, lighten up the mood by 'Come on! We're friends' or something like that and I hope he'll slowly like you back, or even miss your pecks at nights:P


Q: I have this guy I like but he is 4 years older than me!! :( And he is going to college, how do I show him I am mature enough for him? because I know he is attracted to me, but he keeps saying I am too young :(


A: Let me give you an example of something that happened to me that's somewhat similar. This guy liked me and I liked him, he was 16 and I was 13. He kept on telling me that if we "Got together" people would think it was weird because we're three years apart. I replied to him with something like this.

“Age is just a number, if you really like someone you put that age out of your head and you go for it. You don't second guess it. Because, life is too short anyway.”

So, it doesn't matter if your 4, 6 or even 10 years apart (Which my aunt is with her husband 10 freakin' years!) If you both are "attracted" to each other in meaning you have feelings for eachother then you should just forget about that number that ties all humans down to someone in the one year apart radius. Because, life IS too short. I hope this helped a little. :)

The Girl Code

1: Figure out your groups "Man rules" before shit happens

2: Presence is Required if a friend has been dumped.

3: If your friend is recently dumped, rejected, deemed legitimately miserable for any reason, they get a weekend of doing whatever they want with you as a babysitter.

4: Honesty is the best policy for "How do I look?"

5: Girls shall ALWAYS help other girls escape unwanted attention from guys.

Well, that's it for this issue. Please, message @IDreamed , @Hafsalhsan , or @IloveyouCarissa with ANY guy problems. We'll be sure to answer them in the next issue.

Bless your souls.

The Boy Troubles Team.

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