Embarrassing Moments

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• My boyfriend, after our first kiss said the most unromantic thing: 'You didn't pluck your upper lip, did you?'

• I once told my boyfriend that the chemistry teacher doesn't say anything to us. Then on the very same day, he told me and my best friend to get out of the class.

• I fell in front of my whole class with one leg straight and the other leg under me. And in doing so, I accidentally smacked a guy. Lol, I don't know if it was his head or shoulder.

• My lounge was filled with guests. I took the tray and went to serve them. As soon as I reached the door, I farted:/

• I love little girls so much. I have a 5 year old cousin whose super cute and called Lynn. People call her Lily as a pet name . The girl that I loved had a 5 year old sister, she was named Lilia.

One day , me and my family were in the car. Mom, who doesn't know Lilia , got a picture on her mobile of Lily looking cute, and she called on me saying "Look how cute Lily is?"

I was in the backseat , and the minute she said "Lily" , I shouted out loud, in the car "LILIA???!!!"

She was like "...." along with my brother and farther supporting the same expression.

It was so akward how I shouted my love's little sister's name out loud like that , as in how a freak would have done it . I was super embarrassed, yet lucky they didn't know who she was. I managed to fix it by saying , "Oh. Lynn , yeah show me!"

But it was so akward to shout a name like that and for them as well , to have me yelling a stranger's name like that, that also in the cramped car.....

• While making out with my boyfriend , I accidentally forgot to spit out my bubble gum. I remember that when I was done, it wasn't in my mouth. That's 'embarrassing' for me...

• I was riding back home in my school bus and everyone was chatting, when a person came and sat with me. I didn't notice as my face was out of the window and I was singing, out loud! Suddenly I heard people hushing and when I looked inside, my crush was sitting with me and they all roared with laughter :'(

• I once called my teacher 'Mom'

• My crush told me a joke and I laughed....and snorted:/

• I had guests and I was telling them about my future plans (regarding education) when I burped in between.

• I was sitting on my best friend's bed. I told him I was going to wash my hands and after saying this I got up and went to the bathroom. I was then on my period and when I came back, his bed sheets were stained red.

• I went to the doctor and he told me to open wide and say 'Aaa' and as I did, my voice came out sooo funny that I laughed and my saliva spat on his face...

- I was talking about a teacher who I absolutely disliked with my best friend. Then all of a sudden the teacher came up behind me and gave me a three hour detention. ( I was a sixth grader.)

- I moved forward to hug my crush but accidentally kissed his cheek

- Well we were small and our parents agread to go eat out. We were wearing dresses and we were taken to a party. We had all our friends there. She went to the bath room ans when she got out she had her dress cought in her undies. So all her undies were exposed and smack in the middle was a picture of a baby frog. All the guys were laughing and she fainted of embarrassment.

- One time in middle school, I was wearing some tight jeans. I didn't notice that they had a hole in the butt of it, so I walked around with my underwear showing for half of the school day.

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