"Follow me." ~ Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Fanfiction

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Kyaa! Guys! So, like... I wish there were other Nagisa love stories... Why are the other three so popular?!  


Jun's heartbeat quickened as she walked to her classroom, nervous about what would happen on her first day of her first year in high-school.

She looked down as she placed one foot in front of the other, making sure she wouldn't trip or fall over. It was a good decision to miss the opening ceremony, too many people that way.

The girl heard footsteps coming from behind her as a boy with blonde hair rushed past her, grabbing Jun's hand.

"Let's Go! You wanna be early for class right?" The blonde asked, yanking her hand.

"Oh, I do but..." Jun paused, her light pink coloured hair obscuring her cerulean eyes, "I only started walking again two months ago."

"Huh?" The boy wondered aloud, tugging on her sleeve, "But, you're the same age as I am."

Jun sighed, she didn't want to explain this again, Jun didn't want anyone's pity.

"Freak car accident two years ago..."

"Oh, well then." the blonde announced, pointing in the direction of the classroom, "Follow me! I'll make sure you have the time of your life here!"

Jun blushed, still walking slowly to the classroom, "W-what's your name? Itami Jun desu."

"What a boyish name! I wish I had yours," He stated. "The name's Hazuki Nagisa, pretty girly, ne?"

Not knowing how to respond, Jun just smiled, nodding in response to Nagisa's question.

The duo arrived at the classroom, door noticing that they were in the same class. Nagisa opened the door, singing a tune that had been stuck in his head and Jun continued, singing along beautifully.

"You have a really pretty voice," Nagisa said, "but, I'm sure someone else has told you that already."

"No, actually." She replied, waving a hand at the statement, "Anyway, since we're forty-five minutes early, do you want to do something?"

Nagisa clapped his hands together in realisation, "There is something! I need to meet my friends from years ago! Let's go!"

"You want me to meet them too?" Jun questioned, tilting her head to the side, "Are you sure?"

Nagisa nodded quickly, suddenly scooping Jun up in a piggy-back, "Yeah!"

Jun blushed, as she was carried towards the second-year classrooms.

Nagisa put Jun down back on the ground, panting heavily, making her gasp. "Am I that heavy?!"

"Haha, it's just that I haven't carried something... Heavier than the average thing in a while." Nagisa laughed, patting Jun's head.

"Oh!" Nagisa ran towards the staircase, noticing two other boys descending them. "Haru-chan! Mako-chan! It's been a while!"

Jun watched from afar as the trio sparked up conversation. "I should've just stayed by myself," she mumbled to herself, "I'm just getting in the way."

She started hobbling back to her classroom, not knowing that the blonde noticed she was gone.


The first four periods flew by quickly, the lunch break rolling in.*

She grabbed her bentō from her bag and exited the classroom, climbing up the stairs.

"You there," a voice called out, it was feminine, "you're in my class, right?"

"Ah, you must be... G-"

"No! Umm... Sorry about that," she stammered, "I just like to be called Kou."

"Are you going to eat up on the roof? Would you like to share my bento?" Jun asked, pointing up.

"Ah, sorry! No, I'm kind of in a rush to get something from the school store. Bye!"

Jun walked up the stairs and opened the door to the rooftop, where the trio she encountered before were eating.


"Jun-chan!" Nagisa cried, waving frantically, "What's up, where did you go?"

"Oh, I didn't want to get in the way of you guys' reunion."

He stepped back, looking a bit guilty, "So, should I introduce you to them?

"......If you really want to."

"Haru-chan! Mako-chan!" Nagisa yelled, pushing Jun towards the two boys.

The awkward quartet introduced themselves to each other, sitting in silence, eating their lunch.


"Ah! Nanase-sempai, would you like some fish? You sound really hungry!" Jun exclaimed, giving him a piece of fish.

Haru sighed and ate the piece of fish, and asked for more.

"Uhh, sempai? You can just have my whole bento, I have pizza at home," she told Haru, who gladly took the box.

The trio talked about a long-lost friend of theirs, and about swimming, two things that Jun thought were sort of interesting. 



"Hey? Did you know our old swimming club is gonna be torn down?" Nagisa asked, descending the stairs.

"Ah! Really?!" I shouted, suddenly realising what I said, clamping my mouth shout with my hand.

"You like swimming Jun-chan?" Makoto-sempai asked, turning his head to look at me.

"Well, it was a big part of my rehabilitation routine," I shrugged my shoulders, "If you guys are gonna see it, can I go too?"

"Sure! We're going there... In secret," Nagisa told me, tiptoeing down the stairs, "...like ninja."


The school bell rung, signalling that it was the end of school. I met with the guys at the front gates, walking with them back to Haru-sempai's house.

I stayed there a while and ate grilled mackerel, while I listened to the plan to dig up an item.

"So! We'll meet up at the old swim club at 7!" Makoto-sempai said, slamming down his hand on the table.


I finished my homework by five o'clock, wondering what to do with the spare hours. Walking to my bedroom, I pulled out black stockings, a white blouse and a beige skirt.  

I got changed quickly, deciding to eat the pizza I had in the fridge.

"Hawaiian... Again." I mumbled, finishing the last piece.

Glancing up at the clock, 6:45 pm.

"I should go now." I said to myself, slipping on black flats and a grey cardigan, "I'm leaving!"

Silence was the response I got.

It's lonely living by yourself.


*Usually, in Japanese Public schools, the have four fifty minute periods, then a one hour lunch break. And then two more periods...

WOOO! Hope you like my story! Feedback and stuff like that is really helpful, thanks!

"Follow me." ~ Free! Iwatobi Swim Club FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang