Going Jayy

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My lifes pretty epic. I have an amazing band and fans across the globe, the greatest friends anyone could ask for and a stunning girlfriend, Charlotte - she's a bit dumb but her body's smoking!

Me and Jayy are about to head off on Warped with Jeffree and its going to be awesome! I'm currently packing my things.

"Davey, baby-" Charlotte starts but I cut her off.

"Charlotte, we've been dating for two months now and you still can't say my name right! Its Dahvie!" I sigh.

"Geez, chill out! Anyway, baby. Can I come with you?" how many times do I have to go through it with her?

"Look, we've only got enough room on the bus for me, Jayy, Sally and the techies. Sorry but, unless you're willing to stay with Jeffree, you can't come on this tour." I repeat for what feels like the thousandth time.

"Won't you miss our sexy times though, babe?" she purrs, swirling her fingers on my chest. I shove her away and continue packing. "Davey~" she whines.

"My name is Dahvie, God-damnit! D.A.H.V.I.E! DAHVIE! And if you think you're coming on this, or any other, tour with us, you're sorely mistaken! We're through. Pack your shit up and leave."

"But, baby, I-"

"I don't want to hear it! Get your bitchy, whore ass out of my house!"

"Whatever. I've been sleeping with my ex the whole time anyway." I strike her round the face and she falls to the floor.

"I can't believe I ever liked you! You're as fake as your plastic tits!"

"Woah, what the fuck is going on?" Jayy suddenly bursts into the room. "Dahvs, did you slap Charlotte?"

"She's been sleeping with her ex. She deserves worse than a slap. She deserves to rot in the ground with an axe in her head!" I cry, falling into Jayy's arms.

"Shh, Dahvs, shh," he soothes me, stroking my hair. "Your spot in Hell just got reserved, doll-face, you better watch out. You got on the wrong side of Jayy Von Monroe! Get out before I melt your fucking face into the floor!" I hear heels scramble through the house and out of the door.

"Thanks, Jayy." I mumble.

"Don't worry about it. I've been wanting to say that since she got here." he chuckles.

A/N: I know its short and sucky, but its the best I can do under the circumstances; its fucking boiling in England, meaning I can't think straight, and the wifi is utterly shit!

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