Davey's Mine!

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I honestly didn't expect so many people to read this, thank you so much! Other than the obvious plan, I don't know what to do with this story so if you'd give me some ideas, that'd be awesome. I don't want it to be like Twilight; remove the love triangle, its about a girl who moves to a town where it rains a lot.

Anyway, I'll let you get on with reading!


*Jayy's POV*

Its been a week since Dahvie and the hag-bitch got back together. The 'plan' is now in full swing! Jeffree and I are going on our second 'date' tonight and Dahv is helping pick out my clothes.

"So, what about this one?" Dahvie holds up a torn up KISS t-shirt. I shake my head, I plan on getting rid of that one. "It would kind of help if I knew what kind of date it is! Is it casual, fancy, romantic?!"

"Its just a picnic under the stars," I lie, he seems pissed. "Why do you care so much anyway?" I smirk when I see a blush crawling up Dahvies neck.

"I don't, its just... you need a stylist, right?" He laughs awkwardly and bites his plush lower lip. It takes every ounce of will-power not to jump his bones right here and now!

"What are you saying? You don't like my style? How dare you?!" I yell in mock offense. He pouts and hugs me around my waist.

"I'm sorry, Jayy-bear!" He mumbles in a baby voice, it comes out as 'I sowwy, Dayy-beh!'.

"Aww, Dahvs, its okay," I kiss his head, immediately regretting my action and pulling away from him. I glance at the clock to see I have five minutes until the 'date'. "Shit, Dahv! I have five minutes!"

"Holy fuck! Just wear the KISS top and your ripped white skinnies, they make your ass look good." He blushes and looks at the ground before telling me to forget he said that.

Ten minutes later, Jeffree and I are backstage watching two girls known as 'Anarchy' perform a cover of Lovestruck. They're really good. The small crowd is screaming for more as they finish and start a song I don't recognise.

"Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking, When you fall, everyone stands. Another day and you've had your fill of sinking. With the life held in your, Hands are shaking, cold. These hands are meant to hold, Speak to me!" The red haired girl sings. She has an amazing voice.

"When all you got to keep is strong, Move along, move along like I know you do. And even when your hope is gone, Move along, move along just to make it through. Move along, Move along." The new singer has electric blue hair in a cute pixie cut, the same colour as my own.

The song soon finishes and the girls run off the other side of the stage, replaced by a band I vaguely recognise. Random Hand, I think they're called. Todays show is mostly less known bands, that's why the crowd is so small. More people are filing in now, I notice lots of very 'punk' and 'grunge' hairstyles.

We watch each band for at least a good three hours, occasionally chatting to the guys backstage. The two people I want to see, sadly, have to go back to the UK tomorrow morning and have an early commute. I'm intruiged by the appearance of these girls and their obviously wide-ranging taste.

"I'm going back to the bus, see you tomorrow, Jeffy." He waves and I dissapear onto our bus. It seems I got back just as a heated argument began. I hear lots of yelling before Charlotte storms toward me, slaps me and shreeks at the top of her lungs.

"Davey is mine so back off you gay.... faggot!..." She squeals again and leaves, my ears are ringing from the pitch of her screaming. How does that bitch not need hearing aids?!

"What the fuck happened?!" I yell, unable to hear properly, and venture through to bunk alley to see Hayley and Sally stood rigid, slightly shaking in what looks like anger.

"Queen Bee overheard us talking about the plan and almost popped out of her wig. I'm going to kill the bitch!" Its then that I notice scratch marks on their arms and faces.

"I just got attacked with a tongue and titties, what happened?!" Dahvie comes bursting onto the bus with lipstick all over his mouth (*giggles* I used 'comes', 'bursting' and 'all over his mouth' in the same sentence *giggles* Carry on.).

"Nothing, I think she's on her rag or something. No biggie." I shrug, trying to look indifferent about the entirety of this awkward situation.


Firstly, sorry its short.

Secondly, who wants to be Anarchy? This is actually a band/group me and a few friends formed last year, we occasionally perform at local competitians, no big deal.

Anyway, comment which girl you'd like to be, or you could be a crew member. I need these things:

•Age (preferably below 18)


•Role (in the story)

•Any other facts (sexuality, crushes, family/trust issues and stuff)

((•Appearance if not the girls))

Vote and shit, bye XD

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