Return Of Queen Bitch

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*Jayy's POV*

After yesterday's drama, I don't really want to kiss Dahvie. But it's for the SGTC, I feel obliged. So, as usual, we're all getting ready for the show. I'm on Jeffree's bus because he desperately wants to do my make-up.

"So, I hear Dahvie and Charmaine are over, thank God!" Jeffree laughs as he sprays hairspray everywhere.

"It's Charlotte, and yeah, she's long gone!" I join his laughter, only to stop minutes later as hairspray hits my tongue. I make strange choking noises and run to the other end of the bus dramatically.

"Jayy, its only hairspray! Seriously, anyone'd think you've never used the stuff before!" Flipping Jeffree off, I sit across from him and he gets to work. His breath hits my lips and I begin to feel uncomfortable, but I don't think Jeffree is aware of our proximity.

"Jayy, Jeffree! We've got to go, come on!" Hayley calls out and bangs on the bus window. How the Hell did she manage that? Since Jeffree's finished my make-up, I go over to the window to see Hayley on Sally's shoulders. I chuckle before something blonde catches my eye. Charlotte is running - more like staggering in 5-inch heels - across the parking lot towards a shocked Dahvie.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" I yell, charging off the bus in Dahvie's direction. "I'll kill her if I have to!" I say to him, glare in the direction of his ex-bimbo whose tits are flying everywhere as she tries to jog to us. I can clearly see the scars from her plastic surgery. Trust me, there's beautiful surgery, and then there's 'Micheal Jackson' surgery. She has the second.

"Davey, I miss you so much! I can be a better girlfriend, please take me back." It's Dahvie! I mentally picture myself going at her face with a scalpel. I want to go all Edward Scissorhands on this whores fake ass!

"Bitch, please! Dahvie will never want you back, so just-"

"Sure, but don't expect me to let you on tour! I'm sorry for breaking it off with you, babe." Dahvie interupts me and pulls the bitch in for a kiss. I simply stand there, shocked and hurt that Dahvie would do that.

"Oh Hell no!" I hear Jeffree yell as Dahvie and Charlotte - ugh, Charlotte - head in to the venue hand-in-hand. "Jayy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You're crying! Do you like Dahvie?" Jeffree doesn't look as shocked as I thought he would be. Hayley cheers and flips off Sally, doing a little dance.

"No, I don't 'like' Dahv. I-... I love him..." I smile.

"Jayy-bear, if you want we can get rid of the bitch. I mean, I don't think he'll admit it, but I think he likes you too." Sally smirks, an evil glint in her eyes.

"No, I have a better idea!" Jeffree pulls us back on to his bus and explains the plan. I hope to God this will work...


Sorry its so short, I'm actually meant to be looking after my friend who's ill and his parents are out of town and... its complicated...

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it! If not, here's a compensation pie! --> (>°-°)>π

Vote and shit, bye XD

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