Ermahgerd! Blerd Ern The Dernce Fler!

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*Lilys POV*

After waiting for about three hours, a shit tonne of busses come to a stop around us. Jamie and Micky scream and almost fall over eachother as they run to a bus where two guys are making their way out.

"Michaela, get back here this instant!" Troy orders, laughing when Mick returns to us, tail between her legs. "You too, Jamie!" She comes back and sits cross-legged on the floor, sulking.

"Don't be a baby! Its just some guys in a band. I'm in a band, I don't see you swarming around me!" Paddy chuckles.

"Why's that? 1) Look at yourself; I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. 2) You're in the same band, you're not the one they look up to." Tom says bluntly, his face expressionless. He's like the Mikey Way of Anarchy! He can say the funniest things, all the while holding a poker-face. I only see him smile around his girlfriend, who we left back in the UK (me, I'm talking about myself! lol, I'm normal... carry on...).

"Shut up! I'm delicious! Who wouldn't want a piece of this?" Paddy scoffs. I roll my eyes and walk away, stamping on his foot in the process. He yelps and hops around. Thank you, heels! A loud scream and laughter makes me turn around. There stands Jayy Von Monroe and Dahvie Vanity! *Internally explodes from awesomenosity radiating off them*!

"Hey, I'm Lily." I announce, walking over to them. "I'm a huge fan. I especially love Believe, its my favourite song." Jayy hugs me while Dahvie simply stares at my baby-feeders.

"Yeah, we get it, Davey, the slutty bitch has tits! Pay attention to me~!" A blonde tugs at Dahvies arm. Wow, so this is what Charlotte looks like in person...

"Hey, slut," She gapes at Jamie in shock. "I think you've got some face on your makeup." Charlotte gasps, strutting away with her -probably fake- nose in the air. What a bitch, she's even more plastic in person.

"Thank you so much! She's driving us insane! She follows our bus to every venue in her little pink car, she only wants sex and money, and she demands that Dahv kisses her onstage instead of me!" Jayy fumes, something flashes in his eyes when he talks about kissing but its gone before I can identify it.

"She's not that bad, Jayy. You just don't like her because you're not the most perfect thing in my life; she is." Jayy runs back to another bus, tears threatening to escape. I don't give a rats ass whether Dahvie is my hero or not, I slap him round the face before following Jayy.

"Who are you? Did you make my Jayy-bear cry? If you did, I will hurt your face!" Oh, this is Jeffree Stars bus.

"No, I'm coming to check on him. I'm Lily, from Anarchy." We shake hands and he leads me to where Jayy is. "Jayy, are you alright?"

"Go away." Comes the muffled reply.

"Jayy, baby, what happened?" Jeffree tries.

"Go the fuck away!" He yells again.

"Jeremy Brian Griffis, I am not leaving until you tell me everything!" I go to bang on the door when it opens and Jayy stands with his makeup running down his cheeks.

"He doesn't want me. He wants that whore. He said so himself. I'll never be good enough for him." He sobs. I take him into my arms, even though I'm considerably shorter than him, and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"You like Dahvie?" He shakes his head.

"I love him- no, I'm in love with him." I practically squeal with excitement.

"Now I have to get two couples together!" I giggle, earning confused looks. "Oh, Jamie likes Micky and I think Mick likes Jay as well. Those are the girls that ran screaming at BOTDFs bus." I explain.

This is going to be fun!


I'm really ill right now, I've got a migrane and man-flu... don't ask... just don't.

It doesn't help that a sort of music festival is going on in the park across the street, I'm not going to tell you the name because I don't want stalkers!

Vote and shit, bye XD

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