My Secret Crush

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*Jamies POV*

Our manager, Troy, arranged for us to meet with Blood On The Dance Floor tomorrow! I literally attacked him with hugs when he told us! Right now we're on our way from our last venue -Minnesota, was it?- to LA, where we're meeting my idols (I am clueless on American geography so bare with me!).

"Hey, Jamie?" Comes the angelic voice of my band-mate.

"Yeah, Mick?" I reply, smiling at her. She shuffles in her seat uncomfortably, about to say something but she changes her mind.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." She mutters, turning to look out of the window of our small van. I shrug it off and carry on writing. I write lyrics, we decided to be a cover band until we come up with at least five songs. Its taking a while, writing original material is harder than it sounds!

"Are we there yet?" Paddy asks for the seventh time in only ten minutes.

"Shut up, Weston!" Tom hits him on the back of his head, making us laugh. Tom doesn't talk often, but when he does its some funny shit, I tell you!

"Owie! That was uncalled for!" Paddy pouts. Tom simply shrugs and turns back to his phone. "Are we there yet?" Its now my turn to kick him in the leg. "What is with you two? Tone down the violence, people!"

"I'm trying to write, bugger off!" I elbow Paddy in the ribs to add effect. Its all fine until three minutes later:

"Are we there yet?" Paddy smirks when we all glare at him.

"Say that one more time, Patrick Weston, and I will land my fist right in your smacker!" Lily threatens, her fist raised.

"At least I'd have a good view while you're hitting me." He replies smugly, eyeing Lilys low cut top. She flips him the bird and turns back in her seat. Cocky bastard.

A few hours and 'I'm going to kill Paddy's later, we're parked up waiting for BOTDFs tour bus. I'm full on jealous of all the big bands, they've got actual bunks! I have to sleep on the floor of a grotty old van surrounded by dirty socks and guitar picks.

"Troy, where are we going next? Is it a magical wonderland of gummy bears and rainbows?!" Micky asks, suddenly excited. Uh oh, someone found the Rockstars.

"I think we're going to New York, no rainbows there, sunshine." He's used to our giddyness, he's practically Micky and Toms dad. Their mum doesn't give two shits about her kids so she hired him to make it look like she cares. He heard us play and suggested he could manage us on the road.

"There'll be gummy bears though, won't there?" She's now rocking the van by jumping around. I wish we could rock the van, just me and her. Okay, dirty thoughts aside, Jamie! Micky doesn't like you, she never will. She's straight, unlike me; I'm as straight as a fucking circle! Yep, I like titties! More specificaly, I like Michealas titties, but she can't know, it'll ruin our friendship.

"Jay, what's up? You seem distant." Lily places a hand on my shoulder. She may be obnoxious and bitchy at times, but we're like sisters and I know I can trust her with my life.

"Please don't tell but... I like someone..." I whisper, hoping only Lil heard.

"Oh my God! Who?!" I hush her by shoving my hand over her mouth.

"M-Mick..." I whisper again, quieter.

"You're shitting me! No fucking way! Are you going to tell her?" I shake my head, no way am I putting our friendship on the lineover some stupid crush.

"I reckon you should, you'll feel better for it if you get all the touchy-feely crap out." She winks before hopping off the van. I don't want to geopardise my relationship with Micky, but I also don't want my feelings building up inside me until I explode my feels over everyone.

No, this is my secret and its going to stay that way; my secret crush.


Thanks to Lily_higgins and HighlyHunter for becoming a part of this story, it means a lot! <3

How are you guys liking Anarchy? Should I keep them going or not?

Who's your favourite member? Mines Paddy, the cocky bastard. Let me know what you think.

Vote and shit, bye XD

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