Part 1: Destination

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Erens POV

The bus skid across the uneven road. Leaves flew across the passenger windows followed with a huge creak giving the idea that the bus will collapse. The glass bounced between the frame and cracked around the sides.
Sharp turns made everyone gasp and caused them to remain in their seats, before standing up and throwing scrunched up paper at each other.

I was slumped at the very back of the bus. I stared at the window blocking out the noise of my other classmates. The volume on my headphones was turned to the max, all of my surroundings was blocked and my zone was peaceful... For 32 seconds...

"Heyyyyy! What's up!"
God damn it, I thought. I should have known Nate would come to annoy me as soon as he could. He continued to talk but I couldn't hear him. I purposely held my headphones in place as a hint that I didn't want to be disturbed. But being someone as dumb as him you have to pretty much spell it out for them.
His lip movement was still rapid in his speech so I decided to take my headphones off.
"-so you really need to cheer up!" He said. I only heard a quarter of his speech. Not even that...
"What?" I asked.
"Oh you heard me" 
"Um... No I didnt"
"Yes you did duh!" He playfully nudged me.
"Um... No... No I didn't are you blind I had headphones on." I mocked.
He paused for about 5 seconds.
Oh my god is he taking the piss.
"What do you want!?" I got impatient.
"Why are you so loud?"
"Why are you so annoying?!" 
A long pause took place and he was getting on my last nerve.
"I dunno... Am I really that annoying?" He asked.
Oh no of course not.

"Why don't you go and talk to Morgan?! She's... Interesting?!" My stutter was understandable.
"She's not interesting," he said.
"Yeah I know," I joked.

He suddenly got called over by his friend Dylan to (most likely) watch some vines with him. I thanked the lord in my head for his kind deed.

There was a sudden bump on the road causing everyone on the bus to gasp in shock, followed with a screech from Ashleigh, who fell into me.

After falling into me she stayed there and proceeded to watch YouTube like I was her very own duvet.
"Get off!"
I nudged her up with my arm as she pulled out her earphone.
"Excuse me!" She demanded. "I was comfortable!"
"I don't care!" 
"Jeez if your gonna be so moody on this trip then why are you here?"
"Do you think I want to be here?" I rhetorically asked. "My parents are out for the week and they won't let me stay at home alone" I explained.
"Since when do you ever listen to your parents?" She joked.
I laughed

The bus came to a halt and everyone rampaged off the bus. I waited until everyone was off before I proceeded to walk down the long aisle between the seats, all of which where covered with paper.

Each step felt like a new kilogram​ being added on each time.
I reached the door to the bus.
"Nice bus!" I sarcastically complimented to the driver, before stepping into the leaves.

I pushed my dark hair away from my eyes to see a posh cabin surrounded by a medieval looking forest - atmospheric to say the least. The contrast was extremely differentiating but I had nowhere else to go other than here.

13 of us...
Could this seriously be any worse?
We all stood in an orderly fashion - me on the very end. I stood next to Martyna. She's a little emo but I don't judge. I can't judge! My chemical romance isn't a bad band and neither is Black Veil Brides. I looked down the line at everyone.
"Why are we all stood like this?" I whispered.
Martyna just looked at me and shrugged.
"Shut up and stop asking questions for once!" A voice echoed into the trees. I looked down the line to my right to see the cause.
Kain... Its not exactly new for someone to call him a hypocritical pervert.
"Piss off" I muttered.
"What?!" He yelled back.
I have approximately 1 Minuit before I throw my fist at his face.
He was about to say something else before a man rushed over to us.
"Your Qubec high school yes?"
"Yes" everyone answered... Except me and Martyna... Jee I think we have something in common... Who would have thought?
"This way!" He yelled.
Everybody proceeded to follow him down the crooked path and into the cabin. We entered and it was how I expected. Full to the brim with over exaggerated cutlery and posh dining to "impress" the party goers that come here.
I began to walk forward into the cabin.
"Come on Eren let's get our room!" Nate yelled me over.
I immediately turned the opposite direction and walked back out of the cabin. I sat on the large rock next to an overgrown tree outside.
It was peaceful.

Everything went silent and the birds tweeting could only be heard.
It was like this for A whole hour when i woke up from drifting off to sleep... I was suspicious. Its never this quiet for this amount of time.
I walked back into the cabin.
"Hello?" I echoed through the opaque walls. Nobody was here. 

I traveled through the whole cabin and into every room; nobody was seen. I then stared through the transparent wall from the back of the cabin to see people gathered around someone swinging from a rope that was dangling over a lake.
"For Gods sake."
I ran outside and sprinted towards the commotion. Of course it was Kain trying to impress the girls.
"What are you doing here?" He impolitely asked.
Here we go again.
"I'm sorry I just happened to hear an extremely retarded hypocritically excluded classmate from afar." I know it sounds cheesy when i over complicate my sentences when i'm trying to dis someone but that's the whole point.
Everybody looked at me in shock.
"And who the hell do you think you're talking to? I don't want a GayLord speaking to me thanks," he mocked.
"Aaahhh back with the gay jokes Kain you never get old."
"Listen faggot i will jump down here and show you exactly what I'm capable of!" He threatened.
"Im shaking."
Kain was about to jump down from the rope before I pushed him back into the lake: everybody wide eyed from what i had just done.
"You think you're stronger than me?!" He asked
I began to walk away.

The first day was a complete nightmare. The worse part is that there's 7 days of torture - 13 of us. I wonder how long some of us will last before we travel back to town.

These days are gonna be fierce...

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