Part 7: Up in Flames

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Kain's POV

We all climbed to the roof of the cabin... Every single entrance and window was filled with debris and flames. We all managed to reach the top...

Aria's POV

I saw Ashleigh, and Ada and Eren in the distance from the cabin. I waved my arms as a sign and they waved back before running closer to the front...
I turned around...
"Everybody stay calm!" Kat said.
"Calm?! Your the reason we are in this mess!" Kain exaggerated.
"Excuse me! You started it!" She said back.
"Its all your fault!" He screamed.
"Fuck you!"
Before I knew it Kat and kain where clawing at each other yet again...
"Guys stop this isn't the time!!!" I screamed.

Dylan's POV

I caught a glimpse of the vines at the side of the cabin that we could climb down before they burn.
"Guys!" I yelled
Nobody would answer.
I ran at Kat and grabbed her arm before she jerked and pushed me back. I fell and crashed into aria before she trembled back and tripped over the edge.

I rapidly reached for her hand and grasped her as tight as I could.
"Just hold on aria I'm gonna save you!" I comforted.
"Please Dylan! Please please pull me up! I don't wanna die!" She screeched.
I tried to pull her up but the wound from my shoulder was defeating my course of action...
"Don't worry ash I won't let you die!" I tried to comfort again.
"Dylan... I wanted to tell you something for a long time now... And I wanna say it..." She screamed.
"Listen I want you more than anything! But right now I need you up here with me!" I screeched.
"Dylan... I lov-" she began before the flames caught onto her legs and completely demolished her entire body, falling to the wooden surface below..

Ashleighs POV

I saw aria fall to the burning surface... Dylan was still hanging over the edge, reaching out to her...

Erens POV

"EVERYBODY! GET TO THE FUCKING VINES NOW!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs.
Everybody stopped in their actions and climbed down as quick as they could.
They pushed and shoved at each other before finally reaching the bottom.

We all stood in a circle before Ada decided to run behind the cabin... What is she doing? Nobody noticed her absence.
"Oh my god... Oh my god what are we gonna do!" Tyler began to panic.
"Listen where's the rest!?" I worried.
It was silent for the majority of the Minuit before kain stepped forward.
"Bradley, Morgan and aria were all murdered." He whimpered.
"No!" Everybody looked at Dylan. He had tears pouring out of his eyes.
"Aria didn't get murdered... She died because Kat pushed me into her! And now she's gone!!" He burst out...
Everybody looked at Kat as she looked at him in sympathy.
"Dylan i'm-" she began before Dylan told her to fuck off.
I couldn't take any of this any more... I ran after Ada to see where she was...

Kat's POV

I started to whelp​ up inside... What have I done? This... This was... All.. Just..
"You just know how to make the day worse huh?" Kain said.
I was about to make a comment but Dylan swung for him. Kain dodged it and punched Dylan in the stomach.
I jumped onto Kain's back and punched him as hard as I could before he pushed me off and started hitting me on the ground.
Everybody came rushing, trying to help me and take him off me.
After a few seconds of struggle, we all heard a snap sound. Everybody froze before looking back.
Tyler's head was snapped back and the killer was standing right there...

Everybody screamed before the killer came charging towards me and pushed me to the ground... I kicked him in the leg as he dropped his knife...
Kain grabbed it and slit his arm causing him to fall almost completely over the edge of the hill...
I tried to scramble away but the killer dragged me down the hill with them as everybody chased after us...

Erens POV

I couldn't find Ada anywhere... She just vanished out of nowhere...
Starting to pick up the pace, i all of a sudden tripped over a rock and fell into a ditch... My head was banging and I was dizzy. I lift myself up and looked around... I was in a cave, covered with hollow pathways and vines dangling from the ceiling...

Kain's POV

I ran after Kat as fast as I could... She was out of my sight within seconds of running. I ran into trees and past bushes... I tried my best to find her... Everything was pitch black and I could hardly see anything..
Then... I stopped...
I heard footsteps all around me...
Right when I heard it behind me, I turned around and i forced my knife into the stomach of the killer... Then I heard a squeal of agony... I pushed it in further before I heard Kat's voice... I then felt a hand on my face before clearly seeing Kat's pale face in the moonlight, before dropping to the ground, sliding off my knife...

I felt sick...
I vomited on the leaves and stump... This was vile! I- I just... Shit! Nobody can know... This... This was.... I suddenly gave another spill of vomit...

Erens POV

I ran as fast as I could out of the cave... Dodging trees before crashing into someone... We both fell and I was the first to look up... It was Nate...
"What the fuck Nate!" I screamed.
"Nice to see you too!" He sarcastically welcomed.
I helped him Up and hugged him tight.
"Why the fuck did you run off?!" I questioned.
"I saw the smoke!" He answered. I broke the hug and looked at him.
"You saw the smoke? In the pitch black?" I questioned again.
He shrugged.
We both heard screaming from the lake.
We both ran as fast as we could to see Kain and Ada with the group.
We ran closer to see Ada perfectly fine and kain covered in blood...
"Urm...what happened?!" I asked kain. I looked around. "Where's Kat?" I suspiciously asked.

Keinans POV

I can't keep it in any longer! I threw the knife into the grass.
"Listen to me I was running after the killer and I got lost so I was walking through the woods and I heard someone behind me and I stabbed them and-" my voice faded off.
Everybody stared.
"You- you killed Kat?" Eren convincingly assumed.
"I'm sorry! OK but it was an accident you have to believe me!" I screeched.
"Surrreee," Eren sarcastically said.

Erens POV

"How do we know your not lying?" I asked.
"Yeah you and Kat was fighting a lot!" Ada suggested. "Guys what if... What if he's..." She started.
Everybody looked at him
"No! No I'm not the killer OK I'm not!" He spilled out.
"Prove it!" I said.
"Listen i-" he began, Before staring at my arm...
I looked down...
"Eren your arms bleeding!" Ashleigh surprisingly examined.
I lifted up my sleeve to see a knife wound on my arm...

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