Part 8: Blame

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Erens POV

What the hell how did that happen?
"Remember guys!" Kain yelled to everybody...
"When the killer took Kat away... I slashed his arm!" Everyone gasped.
I looked around... W-what?
"He's the killer! Clearly!" He accused.
I put my hands up near my shoulders as defense.
"Hold on a Sec! Who's saying that it was one of us!? There's clearly someone doing this but how can we be sure its one of us?!" I explained.
"Well now we are sure!" He wrongly assumed.
"I found this," Ada passed kain a piece of paper of some sort.
"Its a map of this whole area... Its surrounded by a massive fence, nobody can get past that... We are the only ones who came here on that bus... We were the only ones ON that bus... Which means... Yes... Its one of us..." She explained.
Everyone gasped and started to step away from each other...
"And just so we are clear here," she looked at kain. "We aren't the ones who killed another one of us," she gave him a death stare.
"No! I told you it was an accident!" He started to stutter and worry. "Focus on him!" He pointed at me. "I slashed the killers arm as a defense doesn't that back me up?!"
Everybody looked at each other, still keeping distance...
I began to walk back before tripping over Tyler's body...
I held my mouth with my hand to try and keep the vomit from coming out... This... This is all just a set up! He's trying to make me look like I'm the one doing all of this!
"Everybody!" He screamed. "Tie him up! Then we will be sure! Or we could kill him! Either way works for me!"
"Now hold the fuck on!" Ashleigh yelled.
"You can't be serious?" Nate said.
I got up and ragingly ran at Kain, pouncing on him before causing both of us to roll down the hill... He got up and started strangling me, bashing my head into the grass before getting out his knife and attempting to stab me in the skull... I dodged his move... What the fuck?! I thought he threw it?! He put the knife right between my eyes... He pushed down as I pushed up against his force... Wait a Minuit... The knife... Its the same one as the one in the safe! I kneed Kain in the stomach and sprang onto my feet, snatching the knife off him...

"This is the knife I found in the safe!" I held it up. "I'm not... Crazy!" I yelled.
Nate looked at me with a look I've never seen before... Almost like a sympathetic stare...
"Come on Eren! This isnt-" he began.
"No! I unlocked the safe and this is the knife I found! You gave me the keys!" I screamed.
"What is he talking about?" Dylan asked.
"Eren its all in your imagination just stop! We can work this out-!" He started.
"No... I'm so sick... Of you making it out like I'm the bad guy here! I'm not stupid!"
Kain got up and started to run after me. I ran in the opposite direction into the woods... Everyone else ran after kain trying to stop him, he was like a fucking dog!

I ran as far as I could before kain got the jump on me, causing Me to trip and drop the knife. I crawled to it but kain grabbed my skull and smashed it into the ground... Luckily it was semi soft and didn't leave me with a concussion...
I crawled more before shaking off kain and grabbing the knife.
He was now pulling my hair back... Everyone was pulling on him, trying to get him off...
I swiftly turned around and drove the knife into his thigh. He let out a yelp and fell back into everyone else like a domino effect... I scrambled up and ran before stopping instantly...
Someone was dragging Kat's body away, deep in the shadows...
They had a pale white (what looks like a) doll mask and a black cloak like the other encounters... I ran after it as fast as I could...
He's not getting away!
Kain was close on my tail before he finally jumps on me and we both fall down a ditch...

Dylan's POV

Shit! They fell!
"Everyone climb down carefully!" I yelled to everyone as they proceeded with my orders.

Ada's POV

Oh my fucking god this is not happening... Kain's a maniac! He's gonna kill him! We need to get down there fast!

Ashleigh's POV


Kain's POV

My head hurts... Its like a volcano is erupting inside of my brain! Jesus! Where's that prick! He's gonna pay for killing all of us! This is The end!

Erens POV

I awoke from being unconscious... I saw glimpses of the rest of the gang climb down steadily... I found a walkie talkie lying next to me... It was pretty smashed but it was fixable... I wonder who else has been down here?
Suddenly I remembered my current situation and stood up swiftly... I saw kain still struggling on the ground...
I started to walk into the cave as steadily as I could... There was 2 pathways to go to. I turned around and everyone was here...
"OK let's split up," Dylan cunningly said.
"Are you high! Fuck no! That's how everyone dies you idiot!" I yelled, my high pitched vocals echoing throughout the tunnels...
"Yeah but if you think about it... When people split up in the movies... Its always solo... On their own... If we go into groups we are technically still together! We will meet back here in 20 minutes... Simple.." He explained...
Dylan's not really the one for good ideas... But I can't really argue with this one...
"Fine..." I give in... "Ada split us up," i ordered. "I can't trust myself to do it," I explained.
"What about me!" Ashleigh voted.
"Urm... I urm... Well... You know what! How about we go to McDonalds after all of this is over?!" I teased.
"OK deal!" She accepted.
"Good," I said.
Jeez I can't trust her more than I can't trust myself!

"Okay..." Ada started. "Dylan, Nate and Ashleigh go together and then me, Eren and kain will go together and-" she got cut off.
"No wait! What! Are you crazy?!" Ashleigh accused. "Putting Eren and kain together is basically getting them both killed!" She explained.
"Putting Kain with anyone will get anyone killed trust me, its fine, I can handle it, no offence.. Better if i keep my eye on both of them." She confidently said.
"Are you sure?" Nate asked.
"Positive, I'll keep them both separated I promise," she convinced.
Everyone finally agreed and took the paths into different tunnels.

Nate, Dylan and Ashleigh to the left.
Me, Ada and Kain to the right...

Guys we are so close to the end! Only 2 more chapters! If you are liking this story then feel free to comment! K. Hugs. Bye!

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