Part 5: Followed

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Erens POV

"What?!" I gasped. "Don't be ridiculous I've never seen something so disgusting and vile in my life! Stop joking around its not funny!"
"Hey I'm only pointing out the nesceserities right now all I said was that I saw you smile when you looked at her body," he worried.
"That's a sick thing to say! You seriously think I would smile at a dead body? Especially one of our friends?!"
"No! I just-" he started.
"Don't even joke about that!" I accused.

Kain's POV

"Why the fuck are we following that dipshits rules again?" I asked.
"Hey you agreed to it so don't start picking on tiny problems of your own," Kat exclaimed.
I kept my head down and didn't speak for the rest of the travel.

Kat's POV

Ugh he's pissing me off! Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up once in a while!?

Arias POV

Ok I know kain is a bit of a dick right now but Kara needs to chill she is not helping with the situation of trying to get help.
"Hey... What do you think about kain," I whispered to Dylan.
Dylan looked shocked and surprised and he all of a sudden turned red before beginning to talk.
"Uh.. Urm," he stuttered.

Dylan's POV

Is she actually speaking to me right Now!? Ok... Act cool...
"Well... If you ask me she is a little bit of a bitch! Yep.. Hmmm" I totally fucked up.
"I'm a what!" Kat butted in.
"Oh shit was I too loud?" I whispered to aria.
"Yes you were to loud!" Kat butted in again.
"Jee dylan you sure know how to keep a conversation on the down low!" Aria mumbled.
Ugh I totally messed up.

Tyler's POV

What the hell are they arguing about now?! All I wanna do is get back to the cabin and... Look at Martynas body to see if she had any money on her! Jeez!

Bradleys POV

Tyler's looking a bit pale... His eyes are just staring into the blue... What the fuck? I best not say anything...

Ashleigh's POV

Oh my god my legs cannot handle this much pain right now I need an energy bar or something to help me out cause I am not cut up for this!

Ada's POV

Is this seriously how this days gonna plan out? Us being hunted by a murderer? Like Jesus Christ we could be next!

Nates POV

Don't be stupid Nate! This is all gonna be cool! Nobody is going to die! N- nobody...

Eren and Kara's POV

We finally arrived at the safe house/ cabin and we entered inside... Nobody was around... The group was tagging behind me and I was ahead of everyone... I was too eager...

Erens POV

As soon as we walked in we was greeted with a rotting smell and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling... The furniture was cold to the touch, lightly traced with frost to the sensitive sense of our fingers...

A radio was lying on the desk. Everyone hurried over to it and fiddled with anything they could touch... I clicked the red button which made it turn on. It was so dark in here the light was practically blinding...
"Here... You guys try and get a signal and I'll go around the back for anything else that could help us..."
Before I left Nate give me a set of keys to open the safe on the table... He said he found them next to the radio...
I went over to the safe and unlocked it. A knife was lying in the safe with rough end and jagged edges... I picked it up and put it in my back pocket... Might come in handy... I put the keys in my jacket pocket and went over to the radio again to see how it was doing... Not very well...
"Hey," Nate called me over away from the radio. Confused, i followed him. "Those keys have more than one on the keyring maybe it unlocks more doors... Take them to the back with you maybe there will be another entrance or a shed... I dunno... Something," Nate whispered.
I suspiciously agreed and headed out...

I left the group and circled the perimeter of the safe house... I made my way to the back to find gas tanks and old furniture that must have been thrown out.....

Ada's POV

I am not an expert on these things... How the fuck do you work it?
"You got any idea on this?" I asked.
"Nope" they both sighed at the same time...
It was silent up here... I wonder how long this place has been abandoned?

Bradleys POV

It rotted of corpse and the lights to the cabin were already faded. I made my way into the bathroom to wash my hands... It had mud all over them and I didn't feel good... Maybe there's antibiotics in the cabinet...

Morgans POV

It was freezing... I couldn't stop shivering and it was getting darker and darker outside by the Minuit! I sat at the dining room table, rocking... The fire wouldn't work... All electricity was out...

Bradleys POV

I entered the bathroom and cleaned my hands... It rinsed off with the freezing tap water along with the moss from the trees... I opened the cabinet for any medicine or paracetamol I could find... There was 2 pills left... I grabbed them off the second shelf before shutting the door and being greeted with a black figure and a pale white face standing behind me...
Before I knew it a string was wrapped around my neck and was tightened so hard my voice pipe wouldn't allow me to scream... I dropped to my knees, trying to break free the thin, what felt like plastic, from around my neck... But the figure was already at an advantage... My eyes where swollen and the noises of gagging left my body... Silence...

Ashleighs POV

It was too much electronics to even know how to work the god damn thing never mind get a signal!

Erens POV

What the fuck!? It won't work?! Seriously! This is the only key left and it fits! Why won't it turn!? Non of these locks turn! I ran back into the cabin and tried to lock the safe but it wouldn't... It was the same key... Same rusty old lock... Same safe.. Why wouldn't it work... I was getting worked up over a tiny little thing and my eyes where getting heavier... My nose started to bleed and I suddenly collapsed to the ground...

Nates POV

Shit! Everyone help me! We All grabbed Eren and brought him outside... He was breathing... Just unconscious...
"W- why would he just pass out like that?" Ashleigh worried.
"I don't know!" I yelled.
"Well we need to wake him up!" Ada suggested.
"Just... Give me a second!" I suggested back.
"Aren't you gonna wake him up he's bleeding to death! What are you waiting for?!" Ada yelled.
"No! I'm not waking him up yet!"
"Why the fuck not!" Ashleigh screamed.
"Because what!?" Ada furiously asked.
"Just... Go get something he can lie on! Something soft!" I yelled back...
"Why?! Just wake him up what's the problem? what's the point?!" Ashleigh refused.
"Just fucking do it!!!" I yelled back..
They both ran to the back to find any type of soft object they can grab whilst I stayed watch...

Erens POV

My eyes suddenly opened as swiftly as they could.. I sat up and chocked on my own blood from my nose... Everyone gasped and looked at me..
"W-what happened?" I Asked...
"You blacked out," Ashleigh answered.
"The- the keys wouldn't work on the safe! You give me the right ones didn't you?!" I panicked...
"What?" Nate confusingly asked.
"The keys!" I reminded. "You give Me the keys to open the safe and I had that knife!" My voice was trembling...
Nate looked at Asheigh and Ada in confusion...
"I- I didn't give you any keys" Nate stuttered...

So there's episode 5 I hope you enjoyed! There is now only 11 people left! Leave in the comments who you think is gonna survive and don't forget to rate! Thanks for reading!
Hugs! Bye!

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