Part 3: Lake Watch

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Erens POV

I awoke the next morning, dripped in sweat. I could hardly even recall what exactly happened last night. I woke up, looked out of the window, and remembered the person from outside. I all of a sudden got goosebumps all over my body...

They were watching me...

I got up out of bed and proceeded to walk out into the main room.
Everyone was gathered around the table eating breakfast. I stormed over to the table and threw my hand down onto it. Everybody looked up at me in confusion.
"Who did it!?" I yelled.
Everyone looked at each other as if I was crazy.
"W-what are you talking about?" Ada asked.
"Who was stood outside of my room in the pitch black at 2 in the morning watching me!?" I demanded an answer.
Everybody looked at each other again.
"Nate you woke up and saw it! You tell them!"
Nate looked at me with a confused, blank look in his eyes.
"I- wha- what are you talking about?" He stuttered.
"Last night! Someone was stood outside of our window in the freezing cold and was watching us! And you woke up and saw me! Wait... What happened after that-?" I dozed off before being cut off by Kat.
"Maybe it was just a bird that flew into the window? Maybe that was the bang?" She said.
"No this isn't a horror movie birds don't just do that an- wait... How did you know there was a thud? I never mentioned that..." I suspiciously asked.
"Yyyyess u did," she answered back.
"No... He didn't.. He just said that someone was watching him... He didn't say anything about a bang," Bradley explained.
Everybody looked at her in suspicion, all except for kain, who was staring at me.
"Why can't you just take it as a joke? It was probably someone messing around," he insisted.
I rolled my eyes in boredom.
Now everybody was blaming kat for doing it until Dylan decided to jump out of his seat and shout, "LAAAKKEEEE!!!" before running out of the cabin and jumping into the freezing cold water.
Everybody charged to jump in. All except one.
Martyna was sat on the chair, blocking the world with her earphones...


"Hey," I gently said.
She looked up at me.
"Are you coming or what?" I asked.
She scrunched up her face and shaked her head.
No then....
I walked down to the lake and sat by a tree while everybody splashed water at each other.
I let my head fall back and I listened to some music.
It was peaceful, blocking the world around me as i sat on the grass.. I wish i could have more of this... I definitely don't have any of this at home... Maybe this place isn't as bad as i made it out to be... I may as well make the most of it..

After 1 whole minute of sitting in silence peacefully enjoying the tunes travelling down my ear canal, a scare am rang out from the cabin.
Somebody screeching at the top of their lungs. It was so loud even I could hear it with my headphones on. I looked at everybody else who was still continuing with their water fight.
I scrambled onto my feet and sprinted as fast as I could to the cabin...

Nates POV
I was sat on the grass right next to the water. I'm not getting in. Of course I'm not! My hair will get wet and it took me exactly 2 minutes to get it this fabulous! I'm not letting that time go to waste! Also the fact that its freezing cold... One drop of water that touches me I shiver. I can't remember last night at all. Nothing happened! Okay I fell asleep and then woke up! Nothing else...
I looked to my left to see him running to the cabin at superhuman speed... I quickly ran after him in curiousity....

Kat's POV

When I got invited to a party in a cabin my last thought was swimming in a lake... It could be worse... Dylan is seriously getting on my nerves though... Why can't he just let me do my own things? Can't he just stop hitting on me its Annoying. I swam over to Ashleigh and splashed water in her face causing her glasses to fall in the water.
"KAT! You bitch! You don't just do that!!!" She screamed.

Dylan's POV

I saw Kat practically whack ashleigh in the face. Her glasses fell in the water right next to me. I swam under and managed to reach them before swimming back up. When I did I came face to face with Kat.
"Why hello," I smirked.
"Piss off," she demanded with a straight face.
"OK... I can do that," I said whilst turning around and giving Ashleigh her glasses back.

Arias POV

The fuck is Dylan doing? Hmmmm? Leave me and go and pick on Kat instead of me! He likes her more clearly...

Bradley's POV

I need to get out of here before Morgan shows up again... She's looking for me.. I'm not even in the pool i'm just dipping my feet in. I saw Nate run after Eren before.. They should totally just have sex no joke...

Morgans POV

"Bradley? Where are you my love?" I looked around for him before i saw him sat at the edge. "There you are!" I swam towards him.
"Shit," i heard him shout.
I find it hilarious to joke around and act like the crazy potential lover. His reactions are priceless!

Koralinas POV

Anybody wants to try me?! I'll end them i swear! Kain needs a great slap in the face! Ugh... Jee i hope my sisters okay... Martyna never comes out... She's too busy playing emo and staying inside...
The reason we came out here was for her to socialise more... Guess it didn't work out

Kain's POV

Where's Eren? He needs a beating! After what he did yesterday? Ohhhhhh he's going down!
Sick of his cocky attitude!

Tyler's POV

Oh my god I cannot even! Eren needs to cheer up! Jeez! And Morgan needs to get a room she can't keep hitting on Bradley like a desperate bitch! She will have a baby before she takes her next breath the amount of people she's tried with! Jeez i need a vodka...

Erens POV

I thumped through the glass doors and stopped immediately...
There was red liquid all over the floor and it was leading into the storage room.
Nate was right behind me when I entered...
"Holy shit!" Nate screamed down my ear before running back outside to shout everybody in.
B- blood was e- everywhere!
Martynas head was oozing with a thick consistency that had traveled out into the dining hall... Her scalp was almost minced away with bits of flesh around her corpse...
I heard everybody gasp behind me before I swiftly turned around and blocked the doorway with my body...
Everyone looked at Me with fear in their eyes...
"E-eren what's in there?" Koralina asked suspiciously.
I tightened my eyelids, trying to keep my vomit in my mouth.
"What's wrong?" Aria asked.
Everybody could see the trail of blood but i didn't want people to see the actual crime that had been committed, the body that lies behind me. I tried my hardest from people seeing the awful sight. I looked up at everyone and gulped. My face was pail...
I looked at Nate, who's face was as white as a ghost, and he nodded.
He wants me to tell them.
"M-mar-martyna i- is" I stuttered, unable to get my words out of my mouth...
"Martyna is what?" Asheligh asked. I know that they know but they just don't wanna believe it...
"Martyna is dead!" I screetched.
Everybody stood still in silence. It was as if my voice echoed throughout the whole cabin.
I heard a whimper from the group...
I looked at Nate who's eyes was full of fear. He looked at me with red around his eyes and a certain look that only i could recognise...
"G- get away from her!" Koralina screamed.
"Koralina I'm sorry," i began to shed tears at her pain.
"N-no it can't be! Let me see! LET ME SEE!" she suddenly lashed out before the group held her back.
I couldn't move... I was weak.. My hands were clasped to the doorframe...
"Korlaina please... S- stop," i let my head rest...
I looked back.
"W-we need to get th-the fuck... Out of here!" I stuttered.
Everybody looked at me with agreement and we all headed to the road, koralina barely being able to walk.

Hi guys I really hope you are enjoying this so far! I'm having so much fun writing this! Just thought I would let you know there will be 10 chapters all together because I'm simple like that XD
OK that's all I have to say
Hugs! K bye!

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