Part 2: Noises

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Erens POV

Everyone all gathered round in the dining hall that same night. It was pitch black out and people were drinking alcohol. I had a coke -I wasn't really the drinking type: Neither was Nate to be honest. But of course, he tried to act 'cool' except it didn't work - it never did. He coughed it up and he couldn't stop. I'm his room mate for the whole week. It could be worse; he's not that bad. I know I come across as a bit of a twat at times but I'm just surrounded by it all a little too often.

It's like a blur - all of the: yelling, the drinking, the traveling; everything i have experienced over the last couple of years hasn't been easy. Nate isn't bad. He just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut sometimes.
"So then I said like what the hell you can't do that! And then he said oh my God no way you-" he got cut off.
"Hey guys what's up" I waved awkwardly.
"Oh hey!" Kat waved back awkwardly as a sense of humor. Kat was... Nice at times. However she can be the worst when it comes to opinions and when she doesn't let you speak your part, don't even get me started. I looked around the room at every one. Let's see if I can even remember who they are.

My eyes came across a blonde haired girl with glasses.
Ashleigh duh! She's the weird one with a weird sense of humor. Urm let's see... There's Dylan (Nates friend); he can be annoying but whatever - I hardly ever talk to him.
Kain... Don't get me started.
My eyes came across Martyna. Again, already introduced. Nate, u know him. Aria! She's more of a fan girl for YouTuber's and bands more than anything. Morgan. Oh jeez - Where do I start? Urm, If there was an illness for being extremely over the top weird and over exaggerated then she would be infected with it. She's just- words can't describe her. But she's my friend and I guess I'm the same so I can't really say anything. 
I can't really see anyone else...
I've encountered 9 including me. Where's the other 4?
I looked around the room. I suddenly heard a little voice from below.
I looked down.
"Oh my- what are you doing?"
It was Tyler on his knees tugging at my sleeve.
"Do you have a pen?" He asked.
"Why are you on the floor?" I asked back.
"Oh urm I can't be arsed walking" he explained.
Am I seriously the only normal one here?!
I grabbed my pen out of my pocket and gave it him as he scurried away.
I looked around again to try and find the other 3: then I saw them all in the same spot. Koralina, Ada and Bradley were all in a corner speaking to each other.
Let's see...
Koralina... Easily angry and can rip your head off easily. Ok maybe that's an over exaggeration: but trust me, stay away when its that time of the month, she's Martynas sister and its kinda hard to believe to be honest - they hardly talk. Bradley... He's cool, i speak to him sometimes. He's also pretty normal surprisingly! Ada... She's known for being the prettiest in the class, everyone hits on her and to be honest I feel sorry for her. Who would wanna be hit on by Kain? Ew! Me and Ada are friends - mainly because we are both complete nerds...

That's all 13 of us...

This is gonna be fun no sarcasm involved!
It was around midnight so I decided to go to bed along with Nate. We both got in our separate beds and both fell asleep pretty easily, well - after the 10 Minuit conversation me and Nate had about the lake that is. I got to admit it was a good feeling to get that off my shoulders and let it out.
My eyes got heavy and I drifted to sleep.

I woke up at 2am to a loud bang coming from outside of the window. The moon was bright and shone through the dust on the frame and lit up the corner of the room. I stood up and looked out of the window to see nothing but blackness and the white moon shining through. But... Something wasn't right. After a few seconds of staring out of the window, I could see a black silhouette slowly cover the moon. At first I thought it was a cloud but it seemed to be closer - like a person was standing right outside of the window.

It was silent. If it was a person, then he's been stood there for 2 minutes straight. Its like we was staring at each other except I couldn't see their face. I was frozen. I had no idea what to do! Then, without a second to think, a hand came flying at the window causing me to jump out of my skin and fall to the floor. Nate woke up and turned the lamp on.
"What the hell are you doing?!" 
I couldn't speak... All that time... Someone was watching me...

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