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Its been two weeks since Luke met his daughter Grace. He wanted nothing more than to hold her again. Going to Ashtons house he expected to gather information about Charlie, and that he got. But he also found out he had a daughter too. It pained Luke to lay in bed and think about how much he has missed out on.

He made it his personal goal to not miss anything else.

Luke decided not to contact Ashton, Grace or Charlie for a few weeks, after discovering that Charlie was staying at Ashtons house and a trip to the hardware store Luke had to get familiar with Ashtons occupation and work hours.

After a week of staking out in his car like a cop on a cliche TV series Luke had found a pattern in Ashtons work hours. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Ashton would leave for work at 6 in the evening and return in the early hours of the morning.

" Just 30 minutes and counting Baby Girl " Luke mumbles, gathering the equipment and stuffing it in a dufflebag. Preparing to meet Charlie later.
As Luke tries to zip the jam-packed bag a knock on the door, making his head shift in the direction the knock came from.

Luke quickly puts the bag in the hotel rooms bedroom before fixing his messy hair and heading to the door.

" I didn't think you would come " Luke exclaims, giving Michael a bro hug as if they have been friends for a long time.

" No problem I have always wanted to be a evil mastermind " Michael jokes, Luke just chuckles and walks to the hotels kitchenette.

" So have you got everything planned ?" Michael questions, taking a seat on the sofa.

" Yeah, I will tell you the plan on the way there. For now though lets have a beer and celebrate " Luke and Michael clink beer bottles before taking a few gulps.

" How do you know it will go according to plan " Michael questions Luke, Michael wasn't apprehensive about joining in on this illegal plan but he was doing it for himself, not Luke.

" I don't, but no matter what happens you handle my child and I will deal with Charlie " Luke explains, taking another sip. Relaxing into the sofa, his feet on the coffee table.

" What will be my reward for helping you ?" Michael asks, getting all the details was important for him. Especially if he could get sent to prison for doing this.

" Lets say, a few thousand cash?" Luke bribes, Michael's eyes widen and he smiles.

Looks like I will be getting more than a few thousand Michael internally cheers.




Charlies POV

I woke up to my throat itching and my dry mouth, I decide to leave my warm bed to take some medication so I can get back to sleep. I walk down stairs of the empty, dark house. Not a sound is heard apart from the occasional creaking floorboard. I walk into the kitchen, the cold tiles sending ripples of goosebumps throughout my body. I reach up to the cupboard and grab a glass filling it with water then I set it down on the counter top. I take a tablet of paracetamol from the medicine cupboard above the sink. I swallow the tablet, washing the tablet down with water that instantly soothes my throat. I quietly moan at the cold fluid going down my scratchy, sore throat.

" Keep moaning like that will cause my flyer will burst " A deep all to familiar Australian voice says lowly from behind me. I turn on my heels and bump into a hard chest sending my cup straight to the ground, shattering into millions of shards. I look up to see those mesmerizing blue orbs staring deviously into mine. I move my gaze to the floor to see glass shards all around my bare feet. A soft hand but hard grasp forces my head to face upwards to look back at the man I once called Daddy.

" Its been all to long princess " Luke says, his face inches from mine. He starts leaning in, his lips ready for a kiss and his eyes close as he gets closer. I am trapped between the counter and Luke, my sympathetic nerve reacts by me lifting my knee and kneeling him in the groin. He stumbles back enough for me to get a kitchen knife. I hold the shiny object in my hand firmly, pointing it towards Luke. Luke regains his composure and lets out a throaty chuckle, a chuckle of a maniac. The Luke that left for jail three years ago went to prison and never came out, this man here in front of me is not Luke. He is someone that is possessive and dangerous.

" I know, and so do you that you wont hurt me. Let alone stab me " Luke says taking small, intimidating strides towards me. His dominate side showing prominently. My shaky hand raises with the knife in it.

" Stay away from me or I will stab you " I warn, my voice small yet still sounding slightly authoritative.

" Do as Daddy says like a good girl and put the knife down and come with me - Your Daddy " Luke says, by now there is just under a meter between us.

" You lost that title a long time ago " I speak up. Luke comes even closer so I do something I wasn't wanting to do.

I stab him.

His face pales and his eyes go wide, his pupils dilate as he stumbles backwards slowly. He clutches his stomach before he falls the the ground landing on the shards of glass . A small pained groan escapes his chapped lips.

At least that was what I thought would of happened but he just looks down at the knife hanging out his abdomen, he lets out a throaty chuckle and removes the knife, not a drop of crimson blood evident on the shiny blade.

" You cant get rid of me that easily " Luke says lowly as he lifts his black shirt to reveal the padding of a vest and an incision of where the knife once was. I blink tot make sure that everything that was happening was real, this seems like a nightmare. Luke is psychotic and came to my house wearing a bulletproof vest demanding for me to go back to him. The way he stares at me, his blue ords now looking soulless and cold. His smile that was so heartwarming that showed his dimples is now a evil, nogalistic smirk.

" You are just making things worse for yourself Charlie, you will be in excruciating pain when we get home. The pain that you would of caused me if I wasn't wearing this " Luke gestures to his vest. I take a deep breath looking from side to side of me then back to Luke, I simply nod before turning to my right and I run right onto the shards of glass. I scream out in pain as I feel lots of little agonizing jagged glass dig into the soles of my feet. I fall over in pain, glass cutting my legs and arms trying to protect myself from impact. I cry out as my body aches of all the shards engraving themselves into my skin.

Large hands are placed on my waist pulling me up.

" Let me go " I plead, my vision blurry from the salty tears. I am carefully adjusted into his grip now being carried bridal  style. I don't bother to protest further because of the pain I am in, my skin feels like its burning. As if people are repetitively stabbing me with needles all over.

Small coos and praises are whispered to Luke as he carries up somewhere. My eyes are closed, I try to calm my uneven breaths. I feel us being sat down on a chair and then a cloth placed over my mouth. I open my eyes to see Luke looking at me soothingly, a hint of his old self is what I see, not the demon that has possessed him.

I am sent back into darkness as I feel a soft, lingering kiss on my forehead.

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What do you suspect Michael to up planning?

published; 21/04/16

word count; 1387

Daddy Hemmings // L.H // On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now