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The strangely familiar voice, one she could not put a name to. The greeting sent a shiver throughout her body. Charlie immediately searched the room to look for a place to hide as she heard loud footsteps, slowly walking up the stairs. As if they were tormenting her, creating a thick tension and anxiety. Fear of what could occur.

Charlie looks at the door, no lock. Crossing her fingers she stands to the side of the door, so when it opens she would be behind it.

The heavy footsteps creep slowly around the upstairs, occasionally fading and then getting closer.

She places her hand over her mouth to quieten her ragged breaths, the doorknob turns slowly.

Then opens almost fully, but just enough for Charlie to see around.

At first she can't see the man, she can hear him walking around the room as if examining the scenery. Well the room was a mess, Charlie had been rummaging throughout the bedroom finding things to stuff into the duffle bag.

The man walks to the window, opposite to Charlie. She captures a glimpse and a odd sense of relief floods throughout her.

" Calum ? " (BAZINGA!) Charlie says, in an instant Calum had turned around. A smile creeps onto his face seeing the girl who has changed so much, her hair was slightly darker than he recalled and her body looked more mature and had filled out. She looked like a young lady now, no longer in that awkward faze.

Charlie noticed he didn't appear to have his playboy attitude anymore, he seemed genuine and somewhat trustworthy. His skin had tanned, muscles more defined and even growing a bit of facial hair on his sculpted jaw. This new attitude of his definitely changed her opinion about his body. He probably has some hard rock abs under there, Charlie thought. Staring at his plain grey shirt, the sleeves rolled.

" Hey " he breathes out, he was far more excited then anticipated.

" Why are you here ?" She questions, taking a seat on the bed, waiting for an explanation of his sudden reappearance. She hadn't heard from Calum for a long time, and she wasn't expecting to encounter him again.

" Well I know I owe you an explanation about me turning up all of a sudden so here it is " Calum starts, Charlie nodding in conformation.

" It started out when I was arrested for rape, the chick was hot without a doubt but I was an idiot back then, now I am a changed person. So when I went to jail I had to serve a year, luckily I got off with a heap of community service. When I was there I encountered Luke " Calum starts explaining his arrest for rape as if he was talking about buying a bag of skittles. The mention of Luke causes Charlie to have mixed emotions, glad he is gone but then a voice keeps telling her that she will be happy with him.

" Anyway me being a weakling compared to these men, Luke and I made an agreement. He would keep an eye out for me and now I am here to repay the debt. I had gotten out of prison a few months before Luke. He contacted me and told me he would be away for three weeks. So I am here now to keep an eye on you for Luke " Calum states, taking a deep breath after explaining the story.

" I knew he would pull something like that " Charlie whispers, her whole plan crumbling because Luke didn't trust her. Well she knew that she was I trust worthy while in his house.

" Don't be to bothered about it, on the plus side I get to know you again, without getting in your pants " Calum admits, chuckling slightly. Charlie just scrunched up her face recalling the times Calum would force himself onto her.

" Ok, What was he like in prison?" Charlie just couldn't help but ask this. She was curious and Calum had answers.

" He always had bags under his eyes, always fatigued and he would always love talking about you. Since both of us knew you it was the only common ground we had " Calum states remembering when he served his time.

Silence engulfs the two, so Charlie decides to speak up.

" Can you tell Luke that I am fine and update him but not babysit me " Charlie questions, not feeling like she wants to be babysat, she won't have a moment to leave if he does.

" No but how about I propose a proposition " Calum announces, a smug grin on his expression. An offer she won't be able to refuse.

" I can get your daughter and you can have her for two weeks and I will take her back just before Luke returns. As a partial payback I get to stay here and relax for once " He informs her.

" Fine, it's a deal ", little did she know that they whole deal wasn't discussed. But she was going to find out soon enough.

Boom! Calum is back, surprised ?
I wasn't motivated to update today but here I am updating at midnight!

Published: 13/06/16
Word count: 857

Daddy Hemmings // L.H // On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now