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Ashton pulls up into the drive way, it is still dark outside.

The cars clock read 4;54am, Ashton turns off the car and pulls the keys out. He walks up to the door, puts the key inside the lock and turns it, he grabs the handle and pushes it down only to find it had been locked.

He was confused that the door was unlocked, Charlie always would lock the door before bed.

With another twist of the key the door unlocks Ashton walks in and puts his jacket and bag on the sofa. He walks into the kitchen, noticing the broken glass and small drops of crimson blood.

He immediately runs to Charlies room, not worrying about how loud he is being but Charlie and Graces safety. Once he pushes her bedrooms door open he notices her bed empty and cold.

A white, neatly folded letter with Ashton's name on the front, laying on Charlies pillow.

Ashton hesitantly opens the letter.

Dear Ashton

Memories fill our minds, we especially remember the bad ones. To have someone close to us, be taken away is traumatizing and heartbreaking. I Have seen the way you look at her, you deny yourself not wanting to ruin your friendship. You took her away from me years ago, this is my revenge and I can see why people like it.

It feel pretty damn good knowing I will have Charlie asleep in my arms at night and our daughter tucked-in bed in the room next door. I will live a life with her, one that doesn't involve you.

Yours sincerely, Luke.


Charlie wakes up, her head throbbing from the chemicals. She closes her eyes again trying to relieve the nauseous feeling that feels as if she is spinning in circles.

After a few moment Charlie opens her eyes. Surprised to see she is in a normal bedroom and not the classic horror story dingy basement.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in this average looking room. A queen size bed with white bed spread which Charlie was tied to with red silk. The walls are white, bare with no paintings. A light wood dresser sits next to the white door, there is one window which has black railing on the outside.

She lays her head back down, the bed and pillow being really comfortable. Charlie starts attempting to loosen the silk ties but she discovers that her feet are wrapped in white bandages, memories of being reunited with Luke. Charlie shivers at the thoughts, her mind instantly thinks of Grace, panic rushing through her. Not knowing where her child is, and what Luke may of done with her.

Charlie starts having a panic attack, her hands and legs being restricted adding to her breakdown. Charlie tries to calm her breathing, tears streaming.

Charlie tells herself to stay strong, for the sake of Grace.

After composing herself and being awake for about an hour, Charlie is surprised that Luke hasn't come in yet. Her thought wonder, thinking about the usual questions that anyone how have been kidnapped would ask.

Daddy Hemmings // L.H // On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now