Chapter 10: Pending Approval

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A few days passed. Ryder didn't speak to me much. He began staying in a guest room, leaving me and Daisy to stay in 'his' room. I had no idea what was going on with him, and honestly I don't think he knew either. He seemed to be battling himself. His hands always clenched into fists of white anger and his lips always chewed raw.

It was now Friday morning, and I hadn't seen Ryder since earlier last night. I was becoming accustomed to having him beside me every night in bed, but now I felt like if i closed my eyes I'd be alone and scared again. I hadn't slept much since he switched rooms. Nothing felt right anymore. My heart hurt when I heard his alarm clock go off at 5 in the morning and I was still awake. I knew he wasn't in the guest room. He had grown to slam doors with his anger and last night the house was silent after I heard him storm out from the garage door.

I groggily lifted myself from the warmth of the bed and into the cold air. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and I knew a shower would be the best idea after I turned off the alarm. The sound was annoying and had my head buzzing a few octaves higher than the constant blare. It definitely would rise the dead.

I opened the door and coughed at the scent of weed emitting from the once vacant room that now appeared rather lived in. Clothes scattered the floor; a pair of woman's underwear along side in this mess. Beer cans. Remnants of blunts. A grinder on the night stand.

Wow, Kayla. You sure can help him. He's back to drugs and alcohol! Nice work! And back to dropping girls panties with a wink and finishing her off and kicking her out before she could pull them back up! Cool!

I cursed my internal monologue once more, praying to a god I didn't believe in that I wouldn't contract some disease by walking through the clothes, and gently pressed the off on the alarm clock. I let my fingers linger on the device while I stared down at the clutter.

What's wrong with him?

I was still coughing from the smell that too closely resembled skunk by the time I reached the bathroom in Ryder's supposed room. It was so clean. Put together. Calm. How could that chaotic mess be his new domain in less than a few days?

I shook my head of the thoughts. His problem until he decides to let me in. His issue. Not mine. He wanted to close himself off from me? So be it.

While stripping my clothes from my body I decided maybe it was best to go back home. Get Daisy, my clothes, and my car, and just go unless he decided to show me other wise. I turned up the music on my phone, humming as I stepped into the semi cool water to try to calm myself down.

It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay. He's been through this before. He'll get out of it. His hell is his own.

I became absorbed in my thoughts. I stood under the steady stream of the water, my eyes closed in thought. I just felt so naïve. I want alone. Alone. There is no changing that. I should understand this by now.

A gasp left my lips as I was pushed away from my thoughts by the slamming of doors.

The front door. That had to of been the first slam. A moment later another shook me from my nearly calm state. But it was close. Too close. The bedroom door.

"Are you decent," I heard a familiar voice pound at the door. I held my breath, hoping he'd leave, "Doll, I hear the fucking water. Let me in or I'm not asking again."

Stupid me didn't listen.

A huff sounded before the door flew open. Cold air swarmed in and reached behind the shower curtain. I shivered as goosebumps covered my body.

"Ryder! Get out! Stop it," I screamed as I noticed his hand reach for the curtain, "Jesus Christ, Ryder!"

He pulled the curtain aside. Another flush wave of cold air hit my skin and a shiver ran through my body. My arms instantly wrapped around me, successfully covering half my bare chest. My face flamed red as I felt anger attempt to rush through me. Embarrassment clouded the anger and I felt tears prick at my eyes as I shifted uncomfortably.

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